11 Identify the different reasons people communicateCommunication is when we exchange ideas

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1.1 . Identify the different reasons people communicate.Communication is when we exchange ideas, information, and opinions between two or more individuals. Communication is important in every aspect of our lives, especially when we want to express our feelings, wishes and needs. Communication helps to build good relationship and trust between staff, service users and people around them. Some reasons why people communicate can be: expressing and sharing ideas, feelings, needs, and wishes, preferences, obtaining and receiving information, and getting to know each other. It is important to communicate in a day to day life. 1.2. Explain how communication affects relationships in the work setting.Communication in a work setting is very important as we need to share information on regularly basis. When there is miscommunication or no communication, relationships will start to fall apart. People become frustrated when they don’t get the answers they need, or have to work hard to get an answer at all. If we don’t communicate properly and in a clear way, jobs and assignments can be completed wrong, making more work for the whole team and our relationships in the workplace will suffer. By not communicating properly some individuals could take this in the wrong way and become confused.1.3. Explain ways to manage challenging situationsAs a support worker we have the duty of care to do all things possible to prevent or minimize any harm that may occur as a result of challenging behaviors. We as support workers must follow reasonable instructions in managing challenging behaviors and protect the safety and health of ourselves and others. It is important to report early signs of challenging behaviors to the manager or in a staff meeting because this will enable us as a team to take action. Actions we should take to prevent challenging behaviors: Pause – stand back, take a moment before approaching and assess the situation.  Speak slowly and clearly in a calm voice. Explain your care actions. Try not to rush the person, act calmly. Show respect and treat people with dignity at all times.  Minimize boredom, isolation  Minimize irritation factors in the environment such as noise. Enhance participation in activities and decision. Communication is the key. Actions we should take when challenging behaviors happens: Take a step when needed Keep calm. Leave the person to calm down, if possible. Removed others from the environment, if possible. Be aware of body language and tone of voice used to the person. Call for help to other member’s staff or police, if necessary.  Remove and dangerous objects or sharps if needed or if safe to do so. 2.2. Describe the factors to consider when promoting effective communication.Effective communication allows to be completely understood by everyone involved and avoid hard feelings by any party. Some factors to be considered when promoting effective communication are:  Learn to listen. Give the other person time to response, eliminating distractions. Cultural differences. Adjust your communication as needed. Avoid personal prejudices. Keep an open mind to new ideas and solutions.  Use the techniques of clarification and reflection to confirm what the meaning of what the other person has stated. This will avoid misunderstanding.  Ensure your tone of voice is right for each individual and situation. Use humor in order to reduce stress and anxiety when necessary. Treat everyone equally. Resolve conflicts constructively.3.1 Explain how people from different backgrounds may use and/or interpret communication methods in different ways.Communication can be interpreted in different ways by different people, especially because they may not speak the local language if they are from a different country. Communication can sometimes be different when using it with other people with different backgrounds. This is also a barrier to communication. However some people would be able to interpret the communication they are using by using hand gestures, facial expressions or maybe body language. Communication between people with different backgrounds sometimes can be harder to interpret due to values, believes, upbringing, religion, politics, habits, norms, cultural backgrounds, personal views. 3.2 Identify barriers to effective communication.  Lack of attention, interest, distractions, or irrelevance to the receiver.  Differences in perception and viewpoint.  The use of jargon. Over complicated, unfamiliar and technical terms.  Emotional barriers and taboos. Taboo or difficult topics may include, politics, religion, disabilities, sexuality and sex, racism and any opinion that may seen as unpopular. Physical barriers to non-verbal communication. Physical disabilities such as hearing problems or speech difficulties.  Language differences and the difficulty in understanding unfamiliar accents.  Expectations and prejudices which may lead to false assumptions or stereotyping. People often hear what they expect to hear rather than what it’s actually said and jump to incorrect conclusions. 3.5 Explain how to use communication skills to manage complex, sensitive, abusive or challenging situations and behaviors. It is important to show a positive open body language such as appropriate smiling, nodding and eye contact, when we communicate with challenging situations and behaviors. It is also important to respect personal space: standing too close could be seen as a threatening act, and it may also be safer to maintain a physical distance.  We need to keep in mind that is human to have feelings and emotions. We need to show warmth and empathy. We need to remain calm, neutral and respectful. It is important not to react and start disagreeing: we should pause and think before acting.  It is important not to lose our temper; raise our voice; get angry, sarcastic or provocative; or attempt to humiliate the aggressor.  We need to try to see the situation from their perspective. We shouldn’t let a bad experience with one person affect our whole day or family life; we need to keep sense of perspective and professional attitude.Many people with learning disabilities find some part of communicating hard. Some people may have little or no language. They might find it hard to understand what other people say or tell other people what they want or how they feel. If we can’t tell other people what we want or don’t want, challenging behavior can be more likely. Making communication better can reduce challenging behaviors.  We need to make sure we are communicating in a way that the person understands. This may include using simple, short sentences and trying to avoid saying something which could be misunderstood. Objects, pictures and symbols, sign language and voice output communication aids are all ways of backing up spoken language.  Reminding people what will be happening throughout the day is very important.3.6. Explain how to access extra support or services to enable individuals to communicate effectively.Care plan is one of the most important sources to find out a service user communication assessment, which explains the communication method and what support do the service user needs to establish effective communication. We can also find out an individual’s preferred communication method and style by contacting and discussing with the following professionals. Manager Senior Care Worker or Former Carer Social Worker Occupational Therapist GP Speech and Language Therapist Nurse Dementia Specialist Family and FriendsMany situations can be resolved and distress reduced if the person can talk to someone who has good listening skills and can offer clear, practical advice and information. If we feel the situation is out of our hands, it is important that we recognize this and refer it to someone else who has the skills to deal with the situation.3.7. Explain the purposes and principles of independent advocacy. Independent Advocacy safeguards people who are vulnerable and discriminated against or whom services find difficult to serve. It enables people who need a stronger voice by helping them to express their own needs and to have as much control as possible over their own lives. The independent advocacy supports individuals or groups to put their choices and wishes across to others and may speak on behalf of who are unable to do so for themselves.Independent Advocacy is: Standing alongside people who are marginalized in our society. Speaking on behalf of people who are unable to do so for themselves. Listening to someone and hearing their point of view. Helping people to feel valued. Understanding people’s situations and what may be stopping them from getting what they want or need. Offering the person support to tell other people what they want or need, or introducing them to others who may be able to help. Helping people to know and understand what choices they have and what the consequences of these choices might be.The four over-riding principles of Independent Advocacy are: Independent Advocacy puts the people who use it first. Independent Advocacy is accountable. Independent Advocacy is as free as it can be from conflicts of interest. Independent Advocacy is accessible.3.8. Explain when to involve an advocate and how to access advocacy services. An independent advocate may be helpful if there is any disagreement between any party, health or social care professionals or even family members about a decision that needs to be made. An independent advocate should represent a person wishes without judging or giving a personal opinion. An individual might not get the outcome they want but an advocate can make sure their voice is heard.We can have access to an Advocate to speak in our behalf in the followings situations: During assessments, such as hospital discharge.  When planning or reviewing your care and support If there are changes to your services If there is an investigation into possible abuse When making complaints.All local councils must commission advocacy services and in certain situations we are legally entitled to an advocate. This is called statutory advocacy and there are three types: Independent Mental Health Advocates (IMHAs) – if you are being assessed or receiving treatment for a mental health condition under the Mental Health Act 1983. Independent Mental Capacity Advocates (IMCAs) – if you lack capacity to make certain decisions and there is no-one else (such as a family member or friend) who can support or represent you Care and Support Advocates (Care Act) – if you have ‘substantial difficulty’ in being involved in assessments and decisions about your care and don’t have an ‘appropriate adult’ to support you.Mental capacity means having the ability to understand, retain and use information in order to make and express decisions about life. Mental capacity can fluctuate and it must never be assumed that someone lacks mental capacity because that could mean depriving them of their rights.4.1. Explain the meaning of the term confidentiality. Confidentiality means not sharing information about someone without their knowledge or permission. The Human Rights Act gives everybody a legal right to privacy, so it is important that we respect the privacy and dignity of the individuals that we care for. Breaches of confidentiality can be very serious and can result in disciplinary action or even prosecution so it is important that we understand our duties. We can maintain confidentiality by ensuring that written and electronic information cannot be accessed by unauthorized people. Confidentiality is important because clients may not trust a care worker who does not keep information private, this could make them feel unvalued and have low self-esteem. Client’s safety may be put at risk if their personal details are shared or expose. It also places an obligation in us and our employer to ensure that personal information is stored securely and cannot be accessed by any unauthorized person. 4.3. Describe the potential tension between maintaining an individual’s confidentiality and disclosing concerns. As a support workers and carers we have the obligation and duty of care to safeguard service users, and should protect them trough our confidentiality, unless we suspect that there is been any kind of abuse towards them or the individual is in a risk. We have to maintain trust and ensuring individual’s and others safety. An individual discloses secret things sometimes to carer as part of bonding trust. In these situations, carer put in place of a great dilemmas between maintaining individuals’ trusts and professional obligations.