Table of Contents

1 INTRODUCTION Awareness ion ireproductive ihealth ishould ibe ian iintegral ipart iof ilearning i process ibeginning iiniearly ichildhood iand icontinuing iinto iadult ilife. iEducation ian diaware ness iof ireproductive ihealth iiniboth imale iand ifemale iaffects itheir ihealth i status, ifertility iand isets istage ifor ihealth ibeyond ireproductive iyears iand iaffects it he ihealth iof inext igeneration. One iof ithe imost iproblems iof ithe iworld itoday iisithe ifastest iand icontinuou sigrowi ng ipopulation ,iunaware iof imaternal icare, ilack iof ikn owledge iabout ifamily iplanning iand iusing iof icontraceptives iaround ithe iglobe ibecause iof ithe ilack iof iin formation ion ithe iawareness iinithis iso -cal led, ireproductive ihealth ilaw. ii According ito iWorld iHealth iOrganization i(2003), ithe imain igoal iof iReprod uctive iHealth iLaw iisito iguarantee iuniversal iaccess ito imethods iand iinformation i on ibirth icontrol iand imaternal icare. iiIn iaddition, iReproductive iHealth icovers iaiwi de irange iof iissues ion ipregnancy; iContraception i&iFamily iPlanning; iSexually iTr ansmitted iDiseases iPrevention. i The iPhilippine itoday ihas ithe ifastest igrowing ipopulation iamong iSouthea stiAsia’s icountries. iAccording ito istudy iconducted iby ithe iUniversity iof ithe iPhilipp ines’ imedical istudents, istudies ihave ishown ithat imost iof ithe ipregnancies iinithe i cou ntry iwere ithose ipoor ipeople ibecause iof ithe ilack iof iknowledge ion ireproducti ve ihealth iissues. i2 Today, ithere iare icollege istudents iwho iare iunaware iof ireproductive ihealt hilaw iissues .iSome iof ithem icannot ifinish itheir idegrees idue ito iearly ipregnancy ia mong iwomen ibecause iof ithe ilack iof iknowledge ion ithis ilaw. i This istudy iaims ito ifind iout ithe ilevel iof iawareness iof ithe irespondents ion ir eproductive ihealth iissues ilike iknowledge iregarding isafe isex, ireproductive itract i infection, isafe iage ito ibear ichildren iand iknowledge iof ispecific ifamily iplanning im ethods. iThe istudy ialso iattempts itoifind iout ithe icharacteristics iof iwomen iwhich ia re iassociated iwith ithe ilevel iof iawareness. Significance iof ithe iStudy i The iresult iof ithis istudy imay iprovide iinformation ito ispecial ipeople iabout it he ilevel iof iawareness ion iReproductive iHealth iLaw iamong icollege istudents iof iU SM -Buluan iExtension iCam pus. i Furthermore, ithe iresult iof ithe istudy imay ibe ibeneficial ito ithe ifollowing: Students. iThis iwill iserve ias ian ieye iopener iand iwill igive ithem iawareness iof ithe iscope iof iReproductive iHealth iLaw iwhich imay ihelp ithem iinithe ifuture. Parents. iThis istudy iwill ihelp ithem iprovide ibetter iunderstanding ito itheir ic hildren iabout ithe iReproductive iHealth iLaw .iAlso, ithey ican ifind iways ito ihelp ipre vent iearly ipregnancies iand iearly im arriages iamong itheir ichildren iand ihelp ithem i choose ithe iideal ifamily isize.3 Mothers. iThis iwill iprovide iunderstanding iand iawareness ion ihow ito iavoi dimaternal iand iinfant ideaths iand ithey icould ihave ithe iaccess ito ireproductive ihe alth iinformation. Adolescents. iTh isistudy iwill iserve ias iguide iand isource iof iinformation ito i help ithem ion ithe irisks iand iconsequences iof iearly imarriages iand ipregnancies. Guidance iCounselors. iThis ican ihelp ithem iidentify istudents’ ilevel iof iaw areness ion iReproductive iHealth iLaw iand ithey ican ifoc us ion ieducating ithese istu dents iabout ithis imatter. Nurses iand iother ihealth icare iprofessionals. iThe iresult iof ithis istudy i will iprovide ithem iinformation iabout istudents’ ion iReproductive iHealth iLaw ithat ic an ihelp ithem iidentify ihealth iissues iand iplan ihealth iprograms iinithe ifuture. Policy imakers. iFindings iof ithis istudy imay ihelp ithem iintegrate ipolicies, is trategies, iprograms iand iactivities iinideveloping iand iimproving ithe iwelfare iof ithe ipopulation. Objectives iof ithe iStudy This istudy iaims ito idetermine ithe ilevel iof iawareness ion ithe ireproductive i health ilaw iamong icollege istudents iof iUniversity iof iSouthern iMindanao – Buluan iExtension iCampus Specifically, iitiseeks ito: 1. determine ithe isocio -demogra phic iprofil eiof ithe irespondents; iand4 2. determine ithe ilevel iof iawareness iof ithe irespondents ion ireproductive ihea lth ilaw. i Scope iand iLimitation iof ithe iStudy i This istudy ifocuses ion ithe ilevel iof iawareness iof ithe irespondent ion ithe ire productive ihealth ilaw This istudy iisilimited ito ithose istudents iwho iare iofficially ienrolled iat iUniver sity iof iSouthern iMindanao -Buluan iExtension iCampus Place iand iTime iof ithe iStudy This istudy iwill ibe iconducted iwithin ithe imunicipality iof iBuluan, iparticularl yiat iUniversity iof iSouth ern iMindanao – Buluan iExtension iCampus ifrom iNovember ito iDecember. Theoretical iFramework This istudy iwas ianchored iby ithe iProgressive iTheory iof iLearning. iThis ithe ory irecognizes ithe iimportance iof ithe ilearner iinithe ilearning iprocess, ihis iinterest s,iattitudes iand iabove iall ihis iability ito iutilize ithe ipast iexperiences iinimeeting ine wisituations i(Grego rio, i1976). iAccording ito iProgressivist’s ipoint iof iview, ithe ilear ner’s ilevel iof iknowledge iand iawareness iregarding iaicertain iphenomenon imay ii nfluence ihis/her ireactions iand iactions itowards iit.iMoreover, ihis iattitudes iand ibe liefs imay ibe iaffected iby ithe idegree iof iunderstanding ihe/she iwas iacquired iregar5 ding iaicertain iphenomenon imay iinfluence ihis/her ireactions iand iactions itoward i siit.iMoreover, ihis iattitudes iand ibeliefs imay ibe iaffected iby ithe idegree iof iunderst anding ihe/she ihad iacquired iregarding ian ievent iand iwill isubsequently ishape ihis /her iintention iinidoing iaiparticular iaction. i In ithis istudy, ithe istudent inurses’ ilevel iof iknowledge iand iattitude itowards i Reproductive ihealth iBill iof i2011may iinfluence itheir iacceptance iof ithe iRH iBill iof i 2011. iThe iinformation ithey iacqu ired imay ihave ieventually iinfluence itheir ibehavi or ior ioutlook iiniaccepting ithe iRH iBill iof i2011. i With ithe iincreasing ireproductive ihealth iproblems iinithe icountry, iour ilevel iof iknowledge ior iawareness iand iattitude itowards iRH iBill iof i2011 imust ibe iimpro ved ior ienhanced. iHence, ilevel iof iknowledge icould iaffect ione’s iattitude itowards i accepting ithe iRH iBill iof i2011. This istudy iisibased ion ithe iconcept ilevel iof iawareness iof ithe iRH iLaw iof i2 011. iIniturn, iknowledge, iattitude iand iacceptance iof ithe ibill iare idependent iupon i age, isex, ireligion, ifamily imonthly iincome iand itype iof iresidence. i This istudy iwas ialso ianchored iby iBecker’s ihealth ibelief imodel i(HBM) iwhi ch ipostulates ithe iperceptual ifactors isuch ias iperceived ibenefits ithat imay iinfluen ce ihealth ibeliefs iand ihealth ipromoting ibehaviour. iThis imodel iisiaiframework ifor i motivating ipeople ito itake ipositive ihealth iaction ithat iuses idesire itoiavoid inegativ eihealth iconsequences ias ithe iprime imotivation. According ito iBecker, ihealth ibelief imodel i(HBM) iassumes ithat iaiperson’s ibeliefs iare iimp ortant ideterminants iof ihis ihealth iaction. iiHBM iisibased ion ithe iun6 derstanding ithat iaiperson iwill itake iaihealth – related iaction iifithe iperson ifirst, ifeels ithat inegative ihealth iconditions ican ibe iavoi ded. iSecond, ithe iperson ihas iaipositive iexpectation, ithat iby itaking iairecommen ded iaction, ithe iperson iwill iavoid iainegative ihealth icondition. iThird, ithe iperson ib elieves ithat ihe ican isuccessfully itake iairecommended ihealth iaction, iand ilastly, it he iperson ireceives iai”cue ito iaction” ior iaiprecipitating iforce ithat imakes ihim ifeel it he ineed ito itake iaction. In irelating ithis itheory ito ithe istudy, iwhat ithe irespondents iknow iabout irepr oductive ihealth ibill icould iinfluence itheir iactions iwhether ito iaccept iitior inot. iTheir iknowledge iab out ithe iReproductive iHealth iLaw iand iits iperceived ibene fits iand ia dvantages, iwill imotivate ithe irespondents itoilikely ireact ior ido isomething ito iprev ent ithe inegative iconsequences iinithe ifuture. In iaddition, iwhen ithe irespondents ireceive iaicue ior istimulus iiniaiform iof i mass imedia icampaign, iillness iof iaifamily imember ior ifriend, ior ifrom iainewspape r,ithey iwill ifeel ithe ineed ito itake iaction iand iacc ept ithe iReproductive iHealth iLaw Operational iDefinition iof iTerms For iclarity iof ithe istudy ito iguide iand ienlighten ithe ireaders, ifollowing iterm siare ihereby idefined iboth iconceptu ally iand ioperationally ifor ibetter iunderstandi ng iof ithe ireaders:7 Age i- iitiisicategorized ias ieither: i19 iyears iold iand ibelow ior i20 iyears iold iand ia bove. Awareness i- irefers itoithe iknowledge, iconsciousness, ior ifamiliarity igained iby iexperi ence ior ilearning i(Collin si2003). Characteristic i- irefers itoiaidistinguishing iquality, iattribute, ior itrait i(Collins, i2003). iIn ithi sistudy, icharacteristics irefer ito ithe idistinguishing ifeature iof ithe irespon dents inamely: iage, isex, ireligion, ifamily imonthly iincome iand ithe itype iof i resid ence. Contraceptives i-irefers ito iaidevice ior idrug iserving ito iprevent ipregnancy. Family iMonthly iIncome i- iitiisicategorized ias ilow i(10,000 iand ibelow), iaverage i(10,000 – 20,000) iand ihigh i(20,000 iand iabove). Family iPlanning i- ithe ipractice iof icontrolling ithe inumb er iof ichildren iiniaifamily iand ithe iint ervals ibetween itheir ibirths, iparticularly iby imeans iof iartificial icontracept ion ior ivoluntary isterilization. Religion i-iItiisicategorized ias iIslam iRoman iCatholic, iProtestant iwhich iincludes iB aptist, iBorn iAgain, iPentecosta l,iChristian iReformed iand iothers.8 Reproductive iHealth iLaw i- iisiailaw iwhere iits iprimary igoal iisito iguarantee iuniversal iaccess ito imet hods iand iinformation ion ibirth icontrol iand imaternal icare. Sexually iTransmitted iDiseases i–ithis imeans ithey iare imost ioften i– ibut inot iexclusively i– ispread iby isexual iintercourse. iHIV, ichlamydia, igenital iherpes, igenital i warts, igonorrhea, isome iforms iof ihepatitis, isyphilis, iand itrichomoniasis i are iSTDs.9 REVIEW iOF iRELATED iLITERATURE i This ichapter idiscusses ithe iliterature irelated itoilevel iof iawareness ion ithe i reproductive ihealth ilaw .iIticonsists iof iinformation ifrom ijournals, iinternet iand ithe i opinion iof iother iresearchers iand ischolars iconcerning ipupils’ ilearning istudies ina tionally iand iinternationally. Reproductive iHealth Neelam imann., i(2010) iconducted iaistudy ito iassess ithe ieffectiveness iof i aiplanned iteaching iprogramme ion iknowledge iregarding ipuberty iamong ipre – adolescent igirls iiniVijaya iEnglish ischool iat iHassan, iIn ithat istudy ishows ipercent age iof iknowledge iinieach iaspect ipuberty isuch ias ianatomy iand iphysiology, ichar acteristics iof ipuberty, imenstrual ihygiene iand isexually itra nsmitted idieases, ibefo re iplanned iteaching iprogramme. iPreadolescent igirls iare ihaving ibelow iaverage i knowledge ion iall iaspects iexcept imenstrual ihygiene. iOver iall iknowledge iscore is hows igirls iare ihaving ionly i33.52% iof iknowledge ibefore ithe iadministration iof ipla nn ed iteaching iprogramme. iItimeans ithey iare iable ito ianswer ion ian iaverage i8iq10 uestions iout iof i25 itotal iquestions ibefore iPTP ipre iadolescents igirls iare ihaving im ore ithan i70% iknowledge ion iall iaspects iof ipuberty, ithe ioverall ipercentage iof ipo sttest iknowledge ion idiffe rent iaspects iof ipuberty iafter ithe iplanned iteaching iprog ram, ion ian iaverage iadolescent igirls iincreased i80.71% iof iknowledge iafter ithe ipl anned iteaching iprogramme iregarding ipuberty. Kibert.M., i(2009) iconducted iaistudy ito iassess ithe ireproductive ihealth ikn owledge ,iattitude iand ipractice iamong ihigh ischool istudents iiniBihar iDar, iEthopi a. iThis istudy iwas icarried iout ito iinvestigate ithe ireproductive ihealth iknowledge, i attitude iand ipractice iof ihigh ischool istudents iiniBihar iDar, iEthiopia. iData iwere ic ollected iusing iself – admi nistered iquestionnaire iand ifocus igroup idiscussions. iThe istudy irevealed ith at ithe istudents ihad ihigh ilevel iknowledge iof icontraceptives iand iwhere ito iobtain i contraceptive iservices; ihowever, ilevel iof iuse iwas ilow. iSome iof ithe ireasons igiv en ifor inot iusing icontracep tives iinclude ilack iof iaccess ito iservices, icarelessness, iunplanned isexual iintercourse iand ipressure ifrom isexual ipartner. iThe istudy iindi cates ithat iyoung ipeople iengage iinisexual irelationships iatian iearly iage iwithout i protection ior iwith iunsafe inon – conventional im ethods. iThere iwas ino isignificant idifference ibetween ithe idemogr aphic ivariables iand icontraceptive iuse iat ifirst iintercourse. iEducational ilevel iof ith eirespondents iwas ithe ionly idemographic ivariable ithat ihad isignificant iassociatio niwith isexual iexperience i(p i