A gender lens can help us to focus on how our actions

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A gender lens can help us to focus on how our actions may or may not benefit women and men in different ways in order to provide equity between men and women. People who wear glasses will understand how difficult it will be to see things clearly without them. For people who don’t wear glasses, try to imagine when you are swimming but without goggles. To see the world without a gender lens is like reading without wearing glasses. Gender equality has a better improvement in recent years. However, the ingrained gender bias still exists. These biases lead to an imbalance between men and women’s opportunity. The beliefs of gender norms are cultivated from an early age like “teachers and nurses are women,” and “doctors and engineers are men”. These biases are often blurry or invisible and they can mislead us. I feel it is important to bring people’s attention to them. Applying a gender lens to gender inequality in the workplace is like using a pair of glasses to correct our vision. To see and question what is listed in front of us. Then we can find the best treatment for the “disease” that affects gender equity.One of the main reasons for this gender inequity is that we’re tied to old habits. Historically, in certain industries like tech or manufacturing are held by men. For example, a web development position. Traditionally, there have always been more male job candidates for this role, so naturally these male candidates get hired and eventually promoted to managerial roles. Although now there are more women choose to study engineering and science and they do a better job than men, the managers will favor male to take the position. It is because most males, included females think women are too emotional and they can’t handle a difficult responsibility and pressure with the position. It is still tough for women to enter this area. And when they enter, they might never get a promotion. How can women compete with their male colleagues in an unfair workplace? How can women advance their careers if there are no other female leaders who can advocate for them? A female leader is able to value women and gives them an opportunity to grow?