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The present study investigates the relations between workplace bullying, workplace deviance with mediating effect of elements of burnout as cynicism and emotional exhaustion. This research based on nursing sector. Organization goes to success when its operations is favorable with their workers. If behavior is unfavorable then the organization surface many problems. Shehzad and Malik (2014) recently survey in health care center of Pakistan found that there are many analytical problems in health care center linked to the attitude of employees. A materialize concept in this study is organizational cynicism, which has been defined as:‘‘An unfavorable attitude toward one’s employing organization, contains three elements: (1) a belief that the organization absence honesty; (2) negative affect against the organization; and (3) trend to derogatory and critical behavior against the organization that are contain with these beliefs and affect’’ (Dean, Brandes and Dharwadkar, 1998: 345).The Maslach burnout inventory consists three dimensions: exhaustion, cynicism and lack of experienced (Maslach, Schaufeli, and Leiter, 2001; Schaufeli, Leiter, Maslach, and Jackson, 1996). The first measurement, emotional exhaustion, refers to the reactions of being furiously overextended and reduced. The second dimension is cynicism reflects inattention or a further attitude towards work in population and members whom one is working with, losing one’s emotions for work and sensitivity that work has lost its interest. Organizational cynicism is an unfavorable state of which is define as one’s perception that the utilizing cooperation reduced honesty and genuineness (Dean et al., 1998). Result of negative behavior against an employing organization define as negative opinion, sensitivity and attitude, is one worker reaction to the organization its state by James (2005).In the current study cynicism used as a mediating variable as measurement of burnout. Cynicism impacts the emphatically compelling relationship between workplace bullying and workplace deviance. The Organizational cynicism positively interact between workplace bullying and workplace deviance. The Present study determine the mediation of organizational cynicism between the relationship of workplace bullying and workplace deviance. Workplace bullying is described as “all imitated behavior and process that are assisted to one or more workers, which are undesirable by the fatality, which may be done consciously or unconsciously, but clearly cause of confusions, distress and offence, and it may interfere with job performance/outcomes and reasons of disagreeable work environment” (Einarsen and Raknes, 1997). Nielsen and Einarsen (2012) suggest that workplace bullying can deliver physical and mental destruction to individual employees and increase expenses and decrease outcome of the organization. Simultaneously workplace bullying definitely become a fact that can’t be ignored in organization management (Einarsen et al., 2011; Samnani and Sing).In earlier years many analysts have found that workplace bullying has unfavorable effects on employee’s aptitude or behavior performance, including work achievement (Quine, 1999; Devonish, 2013), organization engagement (Nielsen and Einarsen, 2012), goal to leave (Hoel and Cooper, 2000; Nielsen and Einarsen, 2012), and group impalement (Robinson and O’Leary-Kelly, 1998; Ramsay et al., 2011). Workplace bullying is the strategy in which a man bugs, annoy, or socially avoids another person; this strategy negatively impacts the purpose of work responsibility and happens repeatedly and routinely over a timeframe (e.g. roughly six months; Einarsen et al., 2003).Organizational cynicism fully mediates between the relationship of workplace bullying and workplace deviance. Organizational cynicism positively and naturally interacts with the workplace bullying and workplace deviance at P value 0.01. Previous studies found that cynicism is mostly happened in nursing sector so our sector is health care center.Many analysts classify social exchange theory as ambitious support of organization cynicism (Johnson and O’Leary-Kelly,2003). According to Blau (1964) social exchange theory consists when people have concern for others and contracts with people for individual benefit. Such benefits are responsible for social superior which get individual from one organization to another (cole Schsninger and Harris, 2002). Mutual cooperation and High-quality reciprocity are two important presumption related with social exchange theory which is defined by trust earned. It repeated the worldwide duty of dominant the values and norms of contributor who receive rewards to allowance social exchange process (Gouldner, 1960). Moreover, it is the deity of the exchange process and social contact which are deal with as the important motivation (Homans, 1961; Thibaut and Kelley, 1959). An exchange action among individuals depends on their voluntarily actions in the plan of rewards that they expect (Erie, Budhwar and Chen, 2002; Blau, 1964).Current study is unique and important by its contextual and analytical sense. first the study is attended to cover the research differences. In an earlier study only one measurement of burnout is considered as mediating variable but in present study organizational cynicism used as mediating variable. The purpose of this study is to investigate the mediating effect of cynicism between the workplace bullying and workplace deviance.In present study organizational cynicism fully mediate between the relationship of workplace bullying and workplace deviance. Organizational cynicism positively and automatically links with workplace bullying and workplace deviance. Organizational cynicism strong the relationship between workplace bullying and workplace deviance. Present study produced much new information about the workplace. Employees rude behavior and disobey the guidelines and supervision of organizations that result much cost and damages to organizations. Cynicism is defined as “an attitude of neglect, failure and disbeliefs toward an object or multiple objects, affected to change by discloser to factors in the environment” (Andersson, 1996: 1396). Present population is nursing sector because cynicism is mostly found in nursing sector.Nurses are more doubters than others, the data are collected from health care center in Gujranwala, Pakistan. Data are collected from 228 respondents (nurses) which are doing work in different departments of hospital situated in Gujranwala. Current study is to investigate the cynicism in nursing sector in Gujranwala present study targeted population is nurses. That study is the first in which cynicism used as mediating variable between workplace bullying and workplace deviance. Pervious study used only one dimension of burnout was discussed but in current study cynicism also used as dimension of burnout. Cynicism covers the gap of burnout dimension.Some upset heath care staff are cynical across the hospital and also their colleagues, it is founded in health care organizations by Wilson et al (2013). Job burnout explained as affection of emotional exhaustion and cynicism that appear slowly among employees who do” people work “”to some extent.”