Blood pressure is one of the most important vital signs of the

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Blood pressure is one of the most important vital signs of the human body, this is because the reading of someone’s blood pressure can indicate whether there is an underlying illness that the patient has. An individual’s blood pressure is created by the heart beating around the body creating energy and pressure. [Blood Pressure Association, 2008] The energy and pressure of blood that is being pumped around the body is being fed into the muscles and organs allowing the human body to function on a daily basis. [Anne Waugh & Allison Grant, 2018. Pg. 96] This then makes the blood travel through the arteries creating “pressure that the blood exerts on the walls of blood vessels”. [Anne Waugh & Allison Grant, 2018. Pg. 96]The force of which this happens is a person’s blood pressure. [Blood Pressure Association, 2008] The systolic rate is the top number that can be seen when taking someone’s blood pressure. This number is created by the left ventricle contracting in and out which then causes the blood to be pushed through the aorta. [Anne Waugh & Allison Grant, 2018. Pg. 96] The pressure of the blood then rises quickly generating the systolic blood pressure. [Arthur Schoenstadt, MD. 2017] The average number the systolic rate should be is 120 mmhg which shows a healthy systolic rate. [Anne Waugh & Allison Grant, 2018. Pg. 96] However, if an individual has a high systolic rate of 140 and over then the patient has isolated systolic hypertension which is commonly known as high blood pressure. [Arthur Schoenstadt, MD. 2017]The diastolic rate is the bottom number of the blood pressure reading, this number represents the pressure that is within the blood vessels that occurs between the heartbeats of someone. [Arthur Schoenstadt, MD. 2017] So therefore the diastolic blood pressure is the pressure of the blood whilst the heart is relaxed. [Arthur Schoenstadt, MD. 2017]The average rate of the diastolic blood pressure is around 80mmhg, however this can all be dependent on a patient. [Anne Waugh & Allison Grant, 2018. Pg. 96][NHS, 2018] says that blood pressure test can be taken to measure someone’s blood pressure, the way of testing someone’s blood pressure is by using “sphygmomanometer”. Since technology has developed a lot of health care environments will have digital sphygmomanometer. [NHS, 2018] The person taking the blood pressure will place the cuff on the patient’s arm, it will then calculate the blood pressure for the health care professional. [NHS, 2018] However if this is not available then the health care professionals can do it manually using a Pump, Cuff, Valve, Dial. [Arthur Schoenstadt, MD. 2017] [NHS, 2017] states that Hypotension which is commonly known as low blood pressure. When measuring someone’s blood pressure and the reading comes out 90/60mmHg and below it means that the individual has low blood pressure. When someone has low blood pressure it can cause the organs not to function properly due to the blood being restricted to flow to the organs. [Benenden Health, 2019]When someone has low blood pressure it can cause them to feel light headed and dizzy, this can also lead to fainting and nausea. As well as this, someone with low blood pressure can begin to feel weak and develop blurred vision. [Very Well Health, 2019] So therefore when someone has low blood pressure it can affect their day-to-day living. This is because when changing positons such as standing up can make someone feel dizzy and light headed and ever worse make someone faint. [NHS inform, 2019] This then means that an induvial with low blood pressure when need to change positions slowly so that they don’t suffer these symptoms. [NHS inform, 2019] When someone has high blood pressure it can be caused by the walls of the blood vessels being narrowed due an accumulation of cholesterol. [, 2019] This causes high blood pressure due the vessels being constricted causing the blood flow to become limited. [, 2019] Having high blood pressure can cause serious conditions such as strokes and heart conditions such as heart attacks. [Mayo Clinic, 2018] So therefore it is very important for people to get there blood pressure to be checked frequently as high blood pressure can be seen often within a large population of people. [Mayo Clinic, 2018]When someone has high blood pressure they can suffer numerus symptoms such as headaches, confusion also sleepiness. [Net Doctor, 2019] These are the most common symptoms that those experience when having high blood pressure. In worse cases some people can experience heart attacks, strokes when having high blood pressure if it is not diagnosed soon enough. [Mayo Clinic, 2018]However, there are medications available for these patients so that the risk of having the life-threatening incident is reduced. [NHS, 2019]Professionalism The Nursing and Midwifery Council [NMC] states that professionalism “is to ensure the consistent provision of safe, effective, person centred outcomes that support people and their families and carers, to achieve an optimal status of health and well-being.” [Nursing & Midwifery Council , 2019] This shows that healthcare professionals need to maintain professionalism so that the patient is going to receive the best possible care for them to have a good outcome when having treatment. A healthcare professional are advocates for patients, this means that a professional will be the patient’s voice so that they are able to get the best care possible to ensure they have better health and well-being. [Nursing & Midwifery Council , 2019] This shows professionalism due to the professional making decisions so that their patients have person centred care which will guarantee them to be looked after putting their well-being first. When working in the nursing industry it is important to have a positive attitude, this is because when working in patient centred care having a positive attitude will mean that the patients will feel at ease when in the nurse’s care. [Ashleigh Swanson, 2014] When a patient is in hospital it can be a difficult time for them meaning that they may not be compliant. But if a nurse has a positive attitude it is likely that the patient is going to feel comfortable and reassured making them become compliant within their care plan. Another reason to why having a positive attitude is important when being a nurse is because it will allow the professionals “to achieve the ultimate goal in health care”. [Ashleigh Swanson, 2014] By this it means that the patients are likely to observe the positive attitude shown by the professional and imitate that behaviour, as the patient will feel that the nurses want to achieve the best care for the them so that they “maintain a healthy lifestyle. [Ashleigh Swanson, 2014]A registered nurse must follow the NMC code, the code provides requirements that the nurse must follow so that they are providing safe and effective care. [Nursing & Midwifery Council , 2018] If the professional does not follow these standards or cause harm to a patient, the patient is able to take legal action as the professional is not following the set procedures which is put in place by the council. [Nursing & Midwifery Council , 2018] As well as this, it is illegal to practice as a Nurse, Midwife or Nursing Associate if they are not registered on the Nursing and Midwifery register. [Nursing & Midwifery Council , 2018] It is also illegal to claim that you are a registered professional even though they are not registered. [Nursing & Midwifery Council , 2018] Following the NMC shows professionalism within a nurse as they are correctly performing their duty of care to patients by following the accurate legal obligation provided by the NMC. When the registered nurse follows The Nursing and Midwifery Council it creates trust between the patient and the nurse. [Nursing & Midwifery Council , 2018] This is due to the fact that the nurse is following the correct procedures that is put in place by the council. By doing this it will mean that the patient will trust the care they are getting by nurse as they will feel that they are in safe hands. [Nursing & Midwifery Council , 2018] Creating trust between a patient and a nurse is very important as they are likely to be compliant with their care plan, due to feeling confident in the nurse who is caring for them. [Nursing & Midwifery Council , 2018] Overall, the patient is likely to have improved health and well-being if they have trust for the nurse due too feeling safe. Another way of creating trust between the patient and the nurse is by making sure any information on a patient is kept confidential and safe unless it is necessary to tell another professional. [Nursing & Midwifery Council , 2018] It is a legal obligation of the professional to keep patient’s information confidential. [Department of health and social care, 2003] This will allow patient to be kept safe from anyone else accessing their information. Meaning that they will be kept out of danger from anyone who could potentially harm them. [Department of health and social care, 2003] If the patient’s information needs to be shared with friends/family the patient must be informed. [Department of health and social care, 2003] The patient must provide consent for the professional to share this information, and if they do not consent then the professional must respect the patient’s feelings and not share with anyone. [Department of health and social care, 2003] This shows professionalism as the professional is respecting the patients wishes of not wanting anybody else to know their private information. However, if the professional does not get consent from the patient and shares the information anyway they are not following the NMC. Suggesting that the patient is able to report them due to not correctly performing their duty of care. As a Nurse it is important to have conversations with patients, this is because the patient is in a venerable state and is likely too need reassurance. [Nursco, 2018] By having a conversation with a patient even if it is not a clinical conversation is will make the patient feel relaxed and comfortable. This is because they will know that they are being looked after by someone who cares and has compassion. [Nursco, 2018] This will show compassion towards the patient as the nurse is being considerate of their feelings meaning that they will feel that they are going to get the best care possible to improve their health and well-being. [Nursco, 2018] This shows professionalism within the nurse as they are able to approach the patient and make them feel at ease knowing that they are probably feeling anxious within a clinical environment. When looking after a patient it is important to show person centred care, this means that despite any challenges that can occur during a shift the patient’s must still maintain the best care possible. [The health foundation, 2016] This is to ensure the patient’s health and well-being improves so that there is a “positive outcome”. [The health foundation, 2016] To make sure that the patient gets person centred care it is important to create a care plan that is speacliased for their needs. [The health foundation, 2016] For example their dietary needs, medication or any other professionals required in their care plan. This shows professionalism as the nurse will adapt their care to each patient so that the service user will have the correct care that is specialised for them. This will mean that the nurse will ensure they read the patients notes and have an understanding of the type of care that must be provided to the patient. As a professional giving the best care is the most important factor of being a nurse, but to do this the professional must make sure that they are treating the patient with respect and ensuring their dignity is remained. [Liz burton, 2016] If the patient feels that they do not have any dignity it is likely that they will not feel comfortable within the environment that they are in. [Liz burton, 2016] As well as this the patient is likely to not feel confident within the professionals as they won’t have any trust within them. [Liz burton, 2016] Ways of showing that the patient has dignity is by respecting all aspects of them, for example religions, beliefs or lifestyle choices. [Care quality commission, 2008] Another example is making sure that the patient is called by their preferred name, this will make the patient feel that they have dignity as they are being respected in their chosen choice of name. [Care quality commission, 2008] Ensuring the patient has dignity shows professionalism as the patients wishes as it shows the professional is showing “compassionate care”. [Care quality commission, 2008]