Career Exploration

Table of Contents

Care er 1 : Fir e fig h te r Care er 2 : Regis te re d N urs e URL(s )/ S o urc e s Dutie s When there is a fire, firefighters: rescue and evacuate people from the involved structures establish a water supply lay out and connect hoses and nozzles, and direct water onto fires use different methods to suppress different types of fires enter burning buildings manage and control ladders to gain access to fires and help people to safety Registered nurses may work independently or as members of a healthcare team. Key roles include: 1.providing direct nursing care 2. assessing the needs of individuals, families, groups or communities throughout the lifespan 3. planning, implementing, evaluating and documenting nursing care 4. coordinating patient careprovide pre-hospital care for fire victims who may be injured or overcome by smoke or toxic atmosphere try to protect property during or after fire-fighting operations inspect the site to ensure it is safe once a fire has been put out deal with hazardous chemicals that may catch fire or spill. When there are other types of emergencies, firefighters: provide rescue services and medical attention for all involved in incidents including wildland fires, water or technical rescues (such as rope rescues, confined-space rescues or building-collapse rescues) 5. health counselling and teaching managing and implementing patient care plans, leading and supervising nursing teams and advocating for clients.provide support and direction during disasters minimize property loss and environmental impact contribute to or write cause and determination reports for the proper authorities. Work in g c o ndit io ns 1. Heavy equipment (hot & sweaty) 2. Overexposure to smoke 3. Caving walls and floors, collapsing buildings 4. Long and irregular working hours. Nursing can be intellectually, physically and emotionally demanding. Nurses often are exposed to infectious diseases and chemicals. In acute care settings, they work with very sick patients. They routinely handle items that weigh up to 20 kilograms and help lift patients. In institutional settings, nurses work shifts that include nights, weekends and holidays. Pers o nal c h ara cte ris tic s best s u it e d t o t h e c a re er 1. Integrity 2. Good communication 3. Flexibility and adaptability 4. Dedication 5. Team player 6. Mechanical aptitude 1. Compassion 2. Organization Skills 3. Critical Thinking Skills 4. Emotional Stability and patience 5. Listening/speaking skills7. Tolerance 8. Selfless 6. Excellent bedside manner 7. Confidentiality 8. Multitasking Skills Em plo ym en t o utlo ok Employment prospects for firefighters are good in Canada. Government data indicates that the labour market for this profession will be balanced for the near future. Job openings will result from both expansion demand and retirements. Over 45,000 Albertans are employed in the Registered nurses occupational group. This group is expected to have an above-average annual growth of 3.6% from 2016 to 2020. As a result, 1,620 new positions are forecast to be created each year, in addition to job openings created by employment turnover. Employment turnover is expected to increase as members of the baby boom generation retire over the next few years. Sa la ry ​(y e arly ) Avg. Salary $93,349.00 Avg. Wage $45.23 Avg. Salary $80,129.00 Avg. Wage $42.88 Ed uca tio nal a n d/o r tr a in in g r e q uir e m en ts (i. e . d ip lo m a, d egre e, Requirements for employment as a firefighter vary from one fire department to another. For example, minimum education requirements range from Grade 10 to a high school diploma with High school Diploma Bachelor of Science in Nursinghig h s c h o ol d ip lo m a, etc ) specific courses in physics, math and chemistry. The candidate also may be required to be at least 18 years of age and have; Canadian citizenship or equivalent status security clearance 20/30 vision without glasses and no abnormalities in colour vision no hearing impairments a valid Class 5 Alberta driver's licence without restrictions (some employers require an Alberta Class 3 and air brake licence) training or experience in related technologies or trades, first aid or rescue worka better-than-average ability to get along with people an ability to climb great heights and withstand extreme cold and intense heat an ability to perform under great stress completed accredited fire-protection courses taken medical emergency training. Depending on the fire department, firefighters may take a training course varying in length from 6 to 12 weeks after they are employed. The minimum marks required to pass the examination at the end of the course is 70%. Afterward, there is a probationary period (6 months to 1 year) of working in a fire station. Competition for firefighter positions is keen, especially inlarge urban centres. The selection process includes aptitude tests, fitness tests, medical examinations, security and reference checks and personal interviews. Related experience or training is an asset. Hig h s c h o ol c o urs e s ​and mark s r e q uir e d Requirements for employment as a firefighter vary from one fire department to another. For example, minimum education requirements range from Grade 10 to a high school diploma with specific courses in physics, math and chemistry. To be evaluated through the Office of the University Registrar, applicants must have a minimum overall average of 65 percent, with no course grade lower than 50 percent, in the following high school courses: ELA 30-1 Biology 30 Chemistry 30 or Science 30 Mathematics 30-1, Mathematics 30-2 or Mathematics 31 One Group A, B, C or D course Notes: ​A maximum of one Group D subject may be presented. Group D subjects used for admission must be5-credit or any credit combination of at least 5 credits (e.g., two 3-credit subjects). Applicants with nine to 23 university-level credits must also present a minimum Admission Grade Point Average (AGPA) of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale. Applicants with 24 or more university-level credits will be considered under Previous Post-Secondary Work Nam e o f I n stit u tio n t h at offe rs r e q uir e d t r a in in g (in clu de U RL(s )/ S o urc e s) Dependent upon which Fire Station you apply to Firefighter certificate (optional) Lakeland College Grant MacEwan University Jo b s h ad o w in g o r ap pre n tic e sh ip pla ce m en t ​(if r e q uir e d ) there is a probationary period after training (6 months to 1 year) of working in a fire station. N/ATu it io n c o sts (y e arly ) Tuition ​(for optional certificate, not needed to apply for firefighting) $8,725.00 Year One Tuition $5,940.00 Year One Books & s u pplie s (y e arly ) Books/Supplies/Instruments ​(for optional certificate, not needed to apply for training) $650.00 Year One Books/Supplies/Instruments $3,284.00 Year One To ta l C o st – Y ear +Mandatory Fees ​(for optional certificate, not needed to apply for training) $956.00 Year One =$10,331.00 +Mandatory Fees $1,551.00 Year One = $10,775.00 To ta l C o st – t o ta l f o r le n gth o f p ro gra m 1 year certificate ​(optional, not needed to apply for training) $10,331.00 4 years post-secondary $43,100.00Care er 1 : Care er 2 : What e xcit e s y o u a b o ut th is c a re er? ● Fu lf illin g c a re er ● Pu blic a p pro va l ● Good b en efit s ● Jo b S e cu rit y ● Sa vin g l iv e s ● So cia l S a tis fa ctio n ● Fu lf illi n g C are er ● Hig h e m plo ym en t r a te ● Lif e lo ng L e arn in g ● Jo b m obilit y ● Mean in gfu l c o ntr ib utio ns to s o cie ty ● Jo b s e cu rit y What a re t h e dra w back s o f t h is ca re er? ● Unusu al S h if t s ● Dan ge ro us d utie s ● Tra u m a a n d d eath ● Lo ng W ork in g h o urs ● Dan ge ro us s it u atio ns ● Com petit iv e , l o w a cc e p ta n ce ra te ● Unusu al s h if t s ● Psy ch o lo gic a l t o ols ● Ph ysic a l t o lls ● Lo ng w ork in g h o urs ● Tra u m a a n d d eath My C are er E xp lo ra tio n R efle ctio n Once y o u h ave g a th ere d a ll t h e i n fo rm atio n n eed ed f o r y o ur t w o c a re e rs , i d en tif y a n d d is c u ss w hic h ​one of t h ese t w o j o bs b est s u it s y o ur n eed s, w an ts , a b ilit ie s, a n d g o als . Y o ur r e fle ctio n s h o uld b e ap pro xim ate ly 7 5-1 00 w ord s i n l e n gth . I f e el l ik e n urs in g w ould b ette r s u it m y n ee d s, a b ilit ie s a n d g o als t h an f ir e fig h tin g. A lt h o ugh fir e fig h tin g a n d n urs in g b o th h ave s im ila r d ra w back s, o f l o ng h o urs a n d s h if t w ork , f ir e fig h tin g i s f a r more c o m petit iv e t o g e t i n to . B oth c a re ers a re v e ry s im ila r i n t h ere g o al o f h elp in g o th er p eo ple a n d co ntr ib utin g t o a g re ate r t e am o f f e llo w w ork e rs . H ow eve r, n urs in g w ould b e a b ette r p o sit io n beca u se I w ould b e m ore l ik e ly t o a ctu ally o bta in t h e c a re e r.Revie w y o ur a ssig n m en t t o e n su re i t i s c o m ple te . S a ve i t , a n d r e tu rn t o t h e c o urs e f o r s u bm is sio n in str u ctio ns.