Cystic Fibrosis Care

Table of Contents

Cystic Fibrosis Care Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a mutation in a gene that causes the mucous in various organs to become thick and sticky. When someone is diagnosed with CF, there are many things that must be implemented to help control this disease and prevent further complications. CF is diagnosed via a multistep process including a screening as a newborn, a sweat test if the newborn screen is positive, a genetic test, and a clinical evaluation (Cystic Fibrosis Foundation [CFF], n.d.).Home Care Resources There are many things to be considered when taking care of Alex as a CF patient. Resources that will be needed for Kim and Michael to assist in Alex’s’ care at home include, but are not limited to, numbers for the doctor and nurse in charge of Alex’s care, a nebulizer machine, medications for the nebulizer, oral medications, an oximeter, a percussion cup and possible therapy vest (CFF, n.d.). Having these resources and being instructed how and when to use them will be a huge benefit in helping Alex stay out of the hospital for airway related problems. A schedule for adhering to treatments, and proper cleaning of equipment guidelines will also be useful (CFF, n.d.).Interprofessional Care Team The center of the interprofessional care team must be Alex and his parents Kim and Michael. Even though Alex is only 2, he can understand and participate in some of his care and making sure he knows what is going on and that the treatment is what is needed to keep him healthy and out of the hospital is very important. Other members of the team include, but are not limited to his primary care doctor, his CF specialist or pulmonologist, the nurse or nurses, dietician, a physical therapist, a respiratory therapist, and a pharmacist (CFF, n.d.). Often the hospital will have a social worker assigned to the case (CFF, n.d.). Everyone plays a different role in the care team and in the next paragraph I will briefly discuss everyone’s roles. Alex and his parents are responsible for most of the everyday tasks that need to be completed to help Alex stay healthy. They are responsible for carrying out the plan that is developed by the team. The primary care provider is responsible for helping maintain overall general health including immunizations that are needed for well child care and injury prevention. The CF specialist or pulmonologist is responsible for caring for the acute problems, and planning for possible problems down the road, and for the treatment to hopefully prevent problems from arising. The nurses in CF care teams have many different roles. They can be everything from inpatient care to triage, for answering questions if a patient is sick and helping with medication questions and refills, or home care nurses that help teach techniques for care, how to setup equipment, and properly clean that equipment. The dietician will help apply the science of nutrition to help them grow and develop normally. The social worker involved in the care will help with everything from the insurance questions to mental health needs, and transitions. The respiratory therapist will help with methods of airway clearance, and the medications that are used for airway health. A CF physical therapist will help with exercises that are age appropriate for helping with spine, shoulder and rib cage to prevent musculoskeletal problems, and increase airway clearance. A CF pharmacist helps review medications, not only prescribed by the CF doctor, but anything else the patient may be taking, and anything over the counter to check for interaction and ensure the medications are taken properly. There should be a coordinator to help with the team, this role could be another nurse.Care and Follow Up It is recommended that CF patients be followed closely, at least every 3 months (Lahiri et al., 2016). All the caregivers and family members should receive the annual flu vaccinations (Lahiri et al., 2016). CF patients’ nutritional status, bowel and gastrointestinal health should be evaluated at every visit also. All medications should be reviewed and verified at each visit within the clinic, or by a homecare nurse. All health plans should be reviewed and updated as often as necessary when circumstances change, plans may need to change to fit new situations.