Intrinsic barriers which are orders of the brain spinal cord and nerves

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Intrinsic barriers which are orders of the brain, spinal cord and nerves throughout the body. it is important for school squad to an individual occupation action plan, this group should have teachers, school nurses, physicians and the community member including the parents who can help when it comes to the health of the learners (Nabors, Little, Akin-Little, &Iobst, 2008). Neurological conditions affect the learner’s learning a lot, a learner with this condition often experience fatigue and this extreme tiredness make it hard for the learner to concentrate and engage with others in the classroom environment. The fatigue caused by these conditions make it hard for the learners to concentrate and may end up sleeping during the lesson and this may lead to the learner failing that subject. These effects make it hard for teachers to present the lessons, a teacher may not present a lesson while there is a sleeping or an unconscious learner. One of the major effects of these conditions is when the learner have difficulties with concentration and completion of tasks or assignments, if a learner cannot concentrate in the classroom, it is hard for the teachers also to present the lesson and in that way the teaching and learning cannot take place properly. Failure to complete the tasks or assignment makes it hard for the teacher to see how far they have gone and to identify the difficulties in the curriculum. The neurological conditions are sometimes painful, this makes it hard for the learner to engage in the lesson because of the pain he/she may be going through, pain can be direct or indirect consequences of a neurological disorders. These conditions leave learners vulnerable to a wide spread of viruses and inflections, and frequent absenteeism due to the hospitalization of the learner and the change in medication. The medication may lead to lethargy and difficulty with concentration in the classroom and the learner cannot acquire any information, this means that the learner cannot participate in the class and this can be caused by the lowering of the energy level of the learner. These conditions can be more susceptible to stress the presence of stress makes it difficult for learner to produce positive results. Learners with neurological conditions must be considered when teachers set assessments, because they have memory difficulties (Wodrich et al.,2006). This may lead to the illness which could be exacerbated by times of stress and is a major barrier to learner. Some learners may have postural difficulties and mobility with walking, climbing, stairs, or remaining in one positive for long periods of time, this may also lead to the difficulties on the learners to reach the classroom e.g. failure to climb stairs may also lead to the failure to finish the difficult to reach the classroom. Writing and other fine motor activities may also be affected, and this may lead to failure to finish the tasks and assignment e.g. difficulties in the computer use. There conditions may result in the learner having difficulties with oral communication.