Introduction In the essay I have selected this article which Increases the

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Introduction In the essay, I have selected this article which Increases the knowledge base on mental health nurses. (Edward et al, 2012). I will summarise the article and look at the key points and messages the authors are putting together. I will connect it to my future role as a mental health nurse by explaining the main points the writers are trying to make and how to help people with this illness to become better and influence my clinical practice in the future. However, through my findings, evidence shows that providing advice and guidance to service users about both their mental and physical wellbeing improves their self-esteem and ability to manage their own health.Summary of the articleQuantitative research is the aim of this study, due to the fact that, the research method was able to explain about how people with serious mental illness (SMI) may increased the risk of physical and mental issues compared with whole UK population (Robson and Gray 2007; Hardy et al 2013). However, in the UK it fairly accurate those individuals with mental illness die between 10-15 years younger than the general population (Tiihonen et al, 2009;Thornicroft,2011; Chang et al 2011). The article explained some of the reason why long term physical needs may not be identified; one is lack of confidence or ability regarding physical health monitoring by mental health staff. Training needs activity carried out by Nash (2005) and Ward (2005).Some community staff are not really capable with responsibilities delegated to them because they lack up to-date training, skill of knowledge and also lack confidence in physical health care activities which delay appropriate intervention and more stress is being put on clients during an holistic approach when accessing service user. This promotes healthily life style choices Hemingway el at (2013).However, people with SMI have increases risk of dying from coronary heart disease at the end four times more likely to die from respiratory disease. (Department of Health (DH) (2006).Dijon et al (2004) reiterate that individual with schizophrenia demonstrate multiple risk factors for type 2 diabetes including family history, ethnic origin, sedentary lifestyle and smoking. In addition treatment with anti psychotic maybe a risk factor in itself to developing diabetes, Nash (2009). Robson and Gray (2007)agreed, stating that lifestyle factor such as poor diet and lack of exercise can lead to obesity and type 2 diabetes. Research proves that exercise can improve lipid sore, insulin sensibility decrease obesity and hypertension thereby acting as a primary preventive intervention. (De Hert et al 2009; Nash 2009)Moreover, people with bipolar disorder or schizophrenia are two times likely to suffer from diabetes. Therefore, one of the main reasons is due to iatrogenic side effect for example: lot of medications that people with SMI are taking, can make them gain weight between 5-6kg within two months of taking anti-psychotic medication and that why obesity is one of the main causes of diabetes (Foley and Morley 20011).Also, digital versatile disc were developed at the training day for this study, related to issues that the nurses may encountered in clinical practise when a person is diagnosed with diabetes. There were also provided with guided reading packages with information regarding the serious and giving time to research diabetes. Moreover, the simples of participants were a mixture of qualified staff and student nurses. They were given pre and post questionnaire to test their understanding of diabetes before and after the workshop. Furthermore, before the workshop, participant scored a mean of 4.76 out of 12 and after the workshop the mean average was 10.26.Therefore, the mean average increase was 5.5 points which means that they have more understanding about how to tackle diabetes in clinical settings which shows that the workshop was also effective.Therefore, one of the limitations of the study is that, the result cannot be applied to another NHS trust; this is because all participants were from the same trust. Another limitation was that, they have 46 participants and this supports their lack of generalisabity. There was no follow up of effectiveness training so for that reason, we cannot be sure if the knowledge they gain was applied in clinical settings long term.The article was provided with the aim of this project and to increase the knowledge of skills for mental health nurses when there is a diagnosis of diabetes. Relating the article to my roleI developed interest in this article because of my past experiences as a Health Care Assistant (HCA) working in residential homes and Day centre. During my time of working, I offered a suitable knowledge and experience on the following skills: Communication, time-management, working as part of a team and the ability to cope with stress. I also helped residents with their family by providing them with care protection and support such as, letting them do things by themselves and not taking their independent and dignity away from them. I also build up their confidence and encouraging them to feel like they are part of us in the community as a whole. This experience also helped me to become more caring and educated in other field, such as caring for people with Bipolar disorder, Schizophrenia and Diabetes in understanding their emotions, behaviours and difficulties. It offers me the chance to make a difference in patient’s life, flexibility and a career with excellent employment prospects and i also love that i have a guaranteed job for life which i enjoy.After reading the article properly and took notes, I believed that, I have learned and gain more experiences on how to care and give support to people with different