Nursing Philosophy Reflective Paper

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Personal I have pursued my Bachelor of Science in Nursing profession from SBDS college of nursing, India from 2014 to 2018. I chose this field because it is both challenging and gratifying. During my program, I worked as a student nurse in various recognised private as well as government hospitals. I practiced and learnt number of things in clinical settings such as assessment of the patient, methods of planning and implementation, monitoring equipment, collaborating with team members, maintaining interpersonal relationship with patient, providing care, managing clinical paperwork and conducting research. Providing good quality health care to the clients and continuing in-practice education are my personal objectives.

According to me, values associated with nursing profession are human dignity, privacy, autonomy in decision making, honesty, accuracy in caring, empathy, persistence, human relationship. As per my beliefs, nursing field is an amalgamation of art and science, possessing unique body of knowledge that aims at providing optimal promotive and preventive health care to the patient. My assumptions related to nursing were that it seemed to be less circumstantial phenomenon whereas, it covers range of fluctuations and intensities in terms of care providing patterns in clinical area. Metaparadigm.Four aspects of nursing metaparadigm are Person, Nursing, Health and Environment.Person is defined as a dynamic compound that shows affiliation between different variables such as physiological, social, cultural, psychological, developmental, spiritual. It can be an individual, group or community. Second component is Nursing.

It is scientific and professional filed that is focused on human health care in safe and beneficial environment through certain nursing practices. Third aspect, Health means pattern of evolving represented along the health-illnesses continuum. It is a state of complete well-being in physical, social and mental terms. Fourth aspect is the environment. It is the totality of internal as well as external factors that surround and influence the client or client system (Neuman,1995).Philosophy My personal philosophy aligns with the philosophy of (Warms and Schroeder,2012). Nursing is a noble profession that aims at restoring the health of the patient.

This health status is covered by four domains which are Person, Nursing, Health and Environment. Moreover, every nurse has responsibility to give protective, respective, care-centred environment to her clients. Nurse’s values are not limited to patient care, but also pay emphasis on her interaction and collaboration with other staff members. I, as a student, view nursing paradigm interrelated with its every discipline. Process of nursing is the implementation of personal values and beliefs to promote healthiness of a person influenced by environmental factors. Paradigm is essential as it covers all domains of health and acknowledges the nurse to address the patient as an individual. Knowing patient helps medical professionals to give effective health care accordingly. Paradigm assists nurses in serving patients with justice and fairness. It focuses on client’s respect and privacy, enhances critical thinking and flexibility in practice setting. Patient, who is recipient of care is the main centre of paradigm and it provide wide variety of options of problem-solving techniques to nurses.

Relationship between the personal philosophy and practice can be represented by understanding the roots of both concepts. Personal philosophy refers to the statements of personal values, beliefs, assumptions, principles regarding the nursing metaparadigm concepts, present in one’s mind. Theses can be understood as terminologies that forms the basis of nursing concepts. Caring, knowledge and integrity are believed as the base of nursing profession (Reed, 2009). For example, nurse providing care to a patient having pressure sores. She has her professional values that asks her to maintain patient’s confidentiality, integrity, respect him, give accurate care , show empathy. On the other hand, nursing practice means when we bring personal philosophy into action. It refers to all procedures that a nurse performs over the patient. Application of personal values and beliefs into practice forms the strong basis of nursing. For example, a nurse performing the procedure of dressing of an injured patient, might have some personal beliefs. While performing the procedure, she brings her personal philosophy into action step by step practically and develops strong nursing concepts.


During my clinical duties, I interacted with a patient suffering from COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease). Soon he got infected with communicable disease within the hospital that resulted into weakening of his immunity. It happened due to the poor hygienic conditions in his surroundings. After observing prevailing circumstances, preventive measures were taken by the staff members to control infection. Nurse assisted the client in his daily activities such as daily bathing, oral hygiene, changing clothes, hand washing, cutting of nails, combing and eating habits. Aseptic environment was provided to client. Measures like wearing gloves, masks, gowns while dealing with patients, usage of protective barriers and hand washing was adopted by nurses. According to my personal philosophy, nursing core values should always be kept in mind while performing clinical procedures. Values and beliefs of nursing are linked with four components which are health, nursing, person and environment (Fawcett, 1995). Modification in environment and nursing practice resulted into changes in health status of the client.


McEwen. M. (2014). Theoretical Basis for Nursing. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Warms, C. A., & Schroeder, C. A. (2012).

Perspectives on nursing theory. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health.Reed, P. (2012).

Philosophical and theoretical perspectives for advanced nursing practice. (4th ed., pp. 693-697). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers. Fawcett. J. (1995).

From a plethora if paradigm to parsimony in worldview. Nursing science Quarterly, 6(2), 56-58.