Nursing Theory

Table of Contents

I. Which nursing theory serves as a framework for current nursing practice?Middle-range theory is currently used in nursing theoretical works and played an important role in clinical setting and testable hypothesis (Im & Chang, 2012). Middle-range theory is narrower in scope than grand theory; it is simple, testable, and a path connecting grand theory and nursing practice theory. It requires basic observation and develops by increasing knowledge and participation of advocate, scientist, researcher, and etc. (‘Nursing Theory,” 2020). Middle-rang theory and nursing practice theory were depicted as the two that could be easy conducted by nursing practice and nursing research. However, there has been no extensive research on current trends in nursing practice (Im & Chang, 2012). Nurses often find themselves embracing various types of nursing theories in their daily practices in order to provide the best, the safest, and the most respect patient-care center as well as the accessibility to health care for all.II. Integrate nursing theories into future nursing practice.Nursing theories can be useful and changing nursing practices. So often nurses use Nightingale’s environment theory such as handwashing, glove, face mask, sterile technique, clean air, and clean environment for infection control. Nurses are using various theories without knowing that they are applying nursing theories, such as nurses quarantine Coronavirus from spreading worldwide by travelers flown home from China; nurses teach patient how to care for his colostomy from leakage of feces contents which can infected stoma or irritated the abdominal skin. Nightingale provisioned that the filth must be removed from hospital wards to prevent disease or infection spreading. Fresh air, light, warmth, cleanliness, quiet, comfortable, proper selection of diet and administration of medicine were important to recovery (Smith & Parker, 2019). As we progress into the 21st century, master-prepared nurses must promote theory-guided practice as the core of nursing. Nursing theories provide direction for nurses to educate and support not only patients but their families, our communities, and future nurses performing self- care, self-knowledge, self-control and self-healing (Watson, 1979). As reading these different theories, I can relate to “From Novice to Expert.” (Benner, 1982), I was a novice, I learned, and I grew in knowledge, experience, and skills; until then, I may progress to be a competence, proficient or even an expert in my practice.III. Compare and contrast Nursing theories.1/ Grand theory presents abstract concepts and comprehensive ideas. It’s developed by major thinkers and doesn’t require data. It can be useful for nursing practice but not created for empirical testing. (Smith & Parker, 2019; “Nursing Theory,”2020) 2/ Middle-range theory is claimed to be the one that could be easy apply to nursing practice and nursing research. It is the middle view between grand theory and nursing practice theory. It describes middle level of complex concepts and is verifiable through testing. It is simple, straight forward and only analyses a particular situation with a limited number of variables and limited aspect of reality. (Smith & Parker, 2019; “Nursing Theory,”2020)3/ Nursing practice theory is narrow view, simple and low level of abstraction. It explores one particular found in nursing situation, then provides frameworks for intervention, predicts outcomes, and the impact of nursing practice. Its capacity is limited and analyses a narrow aspect of a situation which usually link to a special group or type of practice (Smith & Parker,2019; “Nursing Theory,” 2020).IV. Personal nursing philosophy.I had always taught by my parents “Treat people the way you want to be treated.” As growing older, I’ve realized that there are no two people that feel or express themselves in the same manner. Therefore, we should treat people the way they want to be treated.1/ Support people/patients for who they are. Don’t change people/patients unless they want to change themselves.2/ Honesty is always the best way to develop interpersonal relation between nurse and patient (Peplau, 1952.). Honesty leads to trust and effectiveness in patient-nurse cooperation. Always be true to yourself and others but in a constructive way.3/ Kindness is more powerful than anything else, always try your best to treat, care and empathize others. “Complete but not compete each other.”4/ Advocate and empowerment others are the best way to promote wellness and reduce illness. Involve others to become partners in-life and in-care. Assist and lead patients, fellow nurses, student nurses and other health care providers working as a team which produces positive environment and togetherness.5/ Non-judgement, “Be someone who judges no one.”, Treat others with dignity regardless their sexual orientation, gender, age, socioeconomic-status, and ethnicity. Maintain patients’ information privately, except when we have the obligation to report to the law enforcement. V. What is important for nurses to achieve professional standard and role competencies. Although our individual characters consist far more than our education and socioeconomic status, an advanced degree is important to achieve professional standard, and role competencies. Master ‘s program provides us the latest and greatest tools to achieve what we always dream of and to progress into the position of leadership, expert, and advocate for patients, family, and community. Earning a graduate degree means earning additional value, respect, and credibility to inspire others to enter into nursing profession and to use our political advocacy and competency to improve health care outcomes and health care systems. VI. Identify core Value.My core values are integrity, family value, teamwork, life-long learning and striving for success.Integrity: respect, honest, and sensitive to others.Family values: communication, caring, humor, health, humility, and patience.Teamwork: helping everyone learning, reducing stress, improving nurse and patient satisfaction, stopping the blame game, and eliminating bully at work.Life-long learning and striving for success: for living a successful and fulfilling life, one should never stop learning and dreaming. To live out my philosophy and core value daily, I must remember, even though, I try my best, I’m a non-perfect human-being; therefore, I will always accept accountability for my choices, decisions and actions and not blame the others. I will exam the outcomes and learn from my mistakes. I will always advocate for patients and others to learn and to live the best possible life. Always keep in minds there are no short cuts of achieving high education, “Medicare for all.”, cleaning environment, longevity, prosperity, and peace to the world. We must strive for success, pursue happiness and never stop learning.