On the attitudes of students on business studies exams different views were

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On the attitudes of students on business studies exams different views were posted. Out of 14 .students participated it is evidenced that none of them view Business Studies as exams are very simple .5 female students view Business Studies as very difficult while 1 male student view Business Studies exams as very difficult, 2 males student view Business Studies exams as difficult while 1 female students view Business studies as difficult and 3male students view Business studies as simple while 2 female students view Business studies exams as simple.From the table 4.9 above, it is evidenced that there is difference on the attitude of boys and girl in Business Studies which could affect their performance. Overally, the study find out that males’ attitude towards Business Studies is positive while girls’ attitude is a bit negative. This was similarly with Chibaya et al (2009) who discovered that girls’ socialization was filled with stereo type to believe that it is difficult to hold public positions and also to occupy high income earned jobs. These misleading girls in the way they understood the world around them, then lead girls to under rate their performance in school. The positive attitude will enhance performance while negative attitude towards subject will lead to poor performance on ZIMSEC Examinations.4.2.5 Table 4.10 The Effects of Internal Environment to the performance of girlsThe study also seeks to establish the effects of internal environment to the performance of both boys and girls and the following question was asked and the responds were recorded below.Responses Does the internal environment contribute to the poor performance of A’ Level girls at Inyati Mine Secondary? Total Males Female Percentage %Yes 4 6 71.4No 2 2 28.6Total 6 8 100From the findings 4 male students and 6 female students agrees on the factor that the environment is contribute to the performance of girls at Inyati Mine High, however 2 male students and 2 female students did not agree with the notion that internal environment contribute to performance of girls at Inyati Mine. From the findings recoded it shows that 71.4% of students their performance is being affected by the environment. From 71.4 students affected by the environment 42.9% are girls whose performance are being affected by the internal environment.The above question has a follow up question which reads, If yes, how does it affect the performance? Explain briefly. Out of 71.4% students who ticked ‘yes’ they explained that, lack of guidance and counseling, shortage of sources and facilities of teaching and learning and the environment which is not courageous and conducive affect their performance negatively. Bandura (1989) in his study of social cognitive theory of learning sighted that, there is a mutual causation between environment, the learner and his/her performance or achievement behavior this then, shortage of sources and facilities at the school affect the performance negatively as not all learners have access over scarce resources this mainly affect female learners since their chances of accessing scarce resources is very slim, hence their performance deteriorate.Gungozar (2013) sighted that, guiding and counseling plays a an important role in schools as it brings social and personal, career development in a students’ life on the effects of school environment to the career choice of secondary school learner. He also noted that, It also promotions students to acquire positive attitude, knowledge, skills which will help them in different setting of life and also it enables one to make proper career selection so as to take necessary actions to improve their performance. From the study, it established that in schools there is lack of guidance and counseling this will resulted in poor performance of both boys and girls.4.2.6. Do the society support girls to undertake commercial subjects?The study sought to establish the effects of society towards the enrolment and performance of students in commercial subjects. The findings were as follow.Table 4.11 The effects of society on girls enrolment and performance on commercials subjectsResponses Do the society support girls to undertake commercial subjects? Total Males frequency Female frequency Percentage %Yes 4 2 42.9No 2 6 57.1Total 6 8 100From the study in table 16 above, it is evidenced that 42.9% of students view society contributing positively to their performance and enrolment of learners in commercial subjects, while 57.1% of students view society not contribute to their enrolment and performance in commercial subjects.On overall, 26.2% of student viewed society contributes positively to their enrolment and performance in commercial subject explained that their parents inspired them as they are their role model. they also noted that the fact that they allowed to take business studies at A’ level means the society parents are in support. 1 female student said ‘my mother inspired me as she is a clack to the nearer school so she encourage me to major in commercials at A’ level’. From the finding of the study the researcher concluded that societal environment play a significant role in the enrolment and performance of learners. This is also supported by Obiunu (2013) who noted that in his study on the influence of environment on the career choice of secondary school learners, society is made up of some variable which includes peer groups, role models, mentors, social groups, social-economic status and family which determines the nature of career choice and academic performance of learners at large,More so,57.1% of students view society contribute negatively to their enrolment and performance in commercial subjects and they sighted that the society filled with stereotypes of viewing only boys have the capacity in commercial subject such as Accounting, Business studies Economics e c t. Also the level of education of their parents are poor so that they lack educational support at home this affect their performance negatively. .mentors and models in the family also they lack educational support from parents, this affect their performance.4.2.7. What do you thing should be done to address the internal environmental factors towards the girls’ performance in business studies?The study sought to establish way to address internal environmental factors towards the performance of girls. The following responds were given by the participants in the questionnaires. There is need for a child friendly, courageous, and conducive environment for effective learning process. They should also create an environment that promotes student engagement and equality. 22.1% of the participants also highlighted that the administrators should recruit female teachers who are trained to teach commercial subject so that she act as a role model to girls. Also teachers should adopt teacher centered approach were they discuss with learners in the staffroom about their performance especially girls, Also adequate resources and facilities are crucial on the reduction of negative effect of the internal environment towards boys and girls performance.INTERVIEWS4.2.8. Does the school have business studies qualified teachers?The administrator was interviewed on the qualification of the teachers at Inyati Mine High as the study seek to establish the relationship between teacher qualification and the students’ performance. The respond from administrator is as follows. There is no commercial qualified teacher at A’ level they are doing internal arrangement of assigning those with capacity in commercials as they are waiting for the recruitment from ministry. The study is contrally supported by Kathuri (2006) in his study on the factors influencing students’ academic performance in Day Secondary Schools in Kenya; he established that, there is positive correlation between students’ academic performance and teacher qualification. Kathuri in his study, found that, in schools where less than 85% of teachers are qualified, the performance rate could be not more than 50% and where more than 92% are qualified teachers the performance rate was more than 50%. This then make the researcher to conclude that the current performance of students at Inyati Mine High was as a result of unavailability of qualified teacher in commercial department at A’ level.4.2.9. What is the attitude of female students towards education at Inyati Mine secondary?The study sought to establish students’ attitude towards business studies, 82% of the interviewed teachers including administration sighted that most girls have a negative attitude towards commercial subjects. Several reasons were given to negative attitude by teachers. The following reasons were established, most girls and boys believed that commercial subjects are challenging girls cannot be able to achieve them, only boys are able to do challenging subjects. Also girl believe that the career profession from commercial subjects are mend for boys were as nursery professions are mend for girls.Also the