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Kuldeep Kaur Gill Student ID: 4350318 Niagara CollegeMENTAL HEALTH LEGISLATION: It is hard to understand about mental health issues and mental health system, this is the reason why mental health system is clouded by stigma and misconceptions. It can affect human rights, workplaces and undergo with justice or mental health system. There is a great need to aware people with mental health along with mental health system.LEGISLATION: It is defined as the law or act which enacted by the governing body or the legislative arm of government. It has a large impact on safety and health of Canadian people.MENTAL HEALTH ACT IN ONTARIO: it is a piece of legislation that regulates, assess, admission, treatment and rights of people with mental health issues in a psychiatric facility.LIST OF OTHER DIFFERENT MENTAL HEALTH ACTS IN ONTARIO: Health care consent act: in this act, take a discretionary consent for the treatment either from the client or the family member. Substitute decisions act: physician decides whether the client is able to make decision for his or her own treatment.Personal health information protection act: it enacted in 2004, it governs the collection, use and declaration of personal data regarding client’s health collected by health professional for example, nurses, doctors and hospital.Control drugs and substance act: to control the drugs to ensure the distribution of drugs are in a legal way and valid commercial, medical and scientific activities should not be interfered with it.Police record checks reform act: it is for safety of people and to prevent unnecessary information in public record checks in Ontario. For example, criminal record checks, vulnerable sector checks.KEY PURPOSES OF MENTAL HEALTH ACT: Mental health act preserve the rights of the people with mental health condition The main focus of the law is to control the unconditioned admission of people into mental hospital. This act allows physician to order community treatment. It allocate the whole treatment exterior the psychiatric setting.IMPACT OF MENTAL HEALTH ACT ON PATIENT: If the admission of patient is involuntary he/she have the right to apply for involuntary detention every 3 months which is viewed by the Consent and Capacity Board to check whether the patient needs this or not, under form 3 if client or physician disagree with the decision of Board then they can appeal in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice. Under form 1 client can deny treatment and also can refuse to participate in assessment (with the exception of emergencies conditions). Care providers and family can visit frequently and can request for admission for their child’s disturbed behaviour. Client safety is very important in this act under fro 3 or 4 a right adviser will help the client to obtain legal services. In mental health act family involves in community treatment plan. If the patient fails to follow the plan the he/she have to readmit in the hospital under form 47. Family is authorize to communicate with the client because of participation in the treatment, care and affective communication. Under OMHA, if patient is not able to give consent of treatment the he is not allowed to undergo psychotherapy.IMPACT OF MENATL HEALTH ACT ON FAMILY: The families whose member has been suffers from a mental illness are more prone to high level of stress as compared to people who had no one in their family. They have risk of substance disorder. Their daily activities, energy, emotions had been affected due to their family member with mental illness. These families are more worried, anxious and depressed. They have lower rates of life satisfaction and they are dealing with more general negativity.LEGISLATION IMPACT ON STUDENT NUSRING CARE: nursing students in the hospital promote positive mental health. They destigmatise the conditions and use their theoretical experience into the practical knowledge. They gain knowledge how to assist patient and support their families. Professional work in hospital setting is very important to learn by students. They can enhance their professional information and comprehension of mental health problems.Retrieved from: https://www.mentalhealthcommission.ca/EnglishRetrieved from:https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/corporate/about-health-canada/legislation-guidelines.htmlRetrieved from: https://www.lhsc.on.ca/media/3109/downloadRetrieved from HYPERLINK “https://www.sse.gov.on.ca/mohltc/ppao/en/pages/otherResources/Legislation.aspx” https://www.sse.gov.on.ca/mohltc/ppao/en/pages/otherResources/Legislation.aspx?Retrieved from: https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/c-38.8/Retrieved from: https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/82-624-x/2015001/article/14214-eng.htmRetrieved from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2720499/Retrieved from:https://www.ontario.ca/laws/statute/90m07