Reflecting on practices in LASA medicine administration Reflective practice shows a vast

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Reflecting on practices in LASA medicine administration Reflective practice shows a vast part in healthcare system today,administration key element of nursing care. So throughout this essay I will be assessing and emphasizing the learning that look habitation at the same time as on location at an emergency treatment unit.The model will be applied to the essay to facilitate critical thought, relating theory to practice where the model consents. Discussion will include the knowledge underpinning practice and the indication base for the clinical skill. The drug administration forms a majour part of the clinical nurse’s role. Medicine are priscribed by doctor and dispend by the pharmacist but responsibility for accurate administration rests with registered nurse.Case studyDescription.The incident includes the preparing of a wrong LASA (Look alike sound alike) medication to the patient. The incident occurred whilst my night duty shifts at about 2.00am. The drug error was discovered by myself.That day I worked in my ward, foreign patient came with his wife to emergency unit complaining of vomiting and loos motion. So I asked to go to room no. 05 to the patient. Vital signs checked and recorded by myself. Patient seen by emergency doctor and priscribed iv medication including anti emetic drugs. The medicine was, injection Emeset 8mg. injection Buscopan 10mg, injection Pantocid 40mg and normal saline 200ml blouse iv drip.I went to the room no 01, to take drugs and iv cannulation items. And also one male nurse came with me to do procedures. While doing iv cannulation procedures by male nurse, patient was vomited. I gave vomiting bowl to the patient. After finishing iv cannulation procedure, while preparing iv drugs and fell down one ampule. I took fallen ampule. It was try Nitroglycerine ampule. Immediately I ran to the injection room, because of on behalf of injection Emeset I had took injection Nitroglycerine. After that So male nurse started iv NS drip and other iv medicine as priscribed by doctor. 2.Feelings