The case study which I am going to analyses is about the

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The case study which I am going to analyses is about the professional misconduct of the health practitioner (Ms. Moyle) who was suspended for 2 months. She was failed to provide agreed supervision to the patient and was not present in the consultation between the medical practitioners and the female patient. As the court of justice has suspended her and ask her to pay assault charges $2000 to the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. Also, she was forced to undertake the education of legal and ethical obligations in nursing while doing her registration. So, in this case, the study I want to highlight the issues of professional misconduct in the nursing practice. The legal and professional issues should be followed strictly by all health practitioners which help to provide proper guidelines and also save the practitioner from the misleading situation. Professional misconduct means the risk occurs in the health care sector due to a lack of care in the health care facilities. Nurses are more involved in the suspicion of reporting misconduct. In the field of nursing, professional misconduct is two types one is misconduct due to incompetence or risk and the other is misconduct due to impairments or disability. Nurses who are in the lower level of education or less experienced, find difficulty in reporting misconduct in impairment but the experienced nurses feel free to report the misconduct because of a higher level of education. In hospital set up, nurses are in the supervision of managers that make it easy to report any misleading act. But the nurses who are in the home care set up find difficulty in reporting misconduct. To prevent the professional misconduct in nursing practice, the important is to understand the team environment and share or exchange the idea with proper communication between the staff (Maurits, de Veer, Groenewegen, & Francke, 2016). In the sector of nursing professions, all the positions of nurses have to meet the professional and ethical standards in their practice. They need to follow all the guidelines of ethics that prevent from ethical issues. Some nurses fail to explain the professional conduct or their responsibilities in nursing practice. To tackle the situation of failing professional conduct, the best way is to use the approach of a remediation program which guides the nurses to work in a safe nursing work environment. The remediation program helps to identify the nurses lacking their responsibilities and failing in the professional conduct (Caldicott, 2019). Nursing ethics and standard is followed by every nurse in their practice. Australian nurses faced the allegation of professional misconduct in their clinical practice. The ethical issue causes harm in the profession of the nursing field but there describes the finding that helps the nurses to evaluate their misconduct. To enhance from the professional vulnerability the first thing is to understand the standard of practice and should always be motivated about the reporting of professional misconduct. The motivation of understanding the code and ethics gives a pathway to the nurses to bring good health care set up (Pugh, 2011). Understanding the characteristics of professional boundaries and educating the standard of ethics brings a safe relationship between staff and students. Ethical issues occur in the profession of nursing but the main idea is getting safe learning facilities and self-awareness to deal with the misleading act in the health care organization. The policy of standard guidelines of nursing influenced the nurses doing best in their care set up (Horsfall, Jackson, & Hunt, 2012). In the Nursing and Midwifery council, some circumstances accepting any small or bigger gift is act as professional misconduct. As the gift is shown as a token of love and respect to others but in the field of nursing, profession gifts should not be taken by the patient or from their family member. Taking gifts signifies as the theft and investigation are proceed with an allegation of theft from the nursing and midwifery council (Griffith R. , 2016).Nurses should not develop the misconception that their license saves them from professional misconduct or negligence. After registration of nurses in the council, nurses do have the right to treat patient health but that does not mean that they are fully rights for negligence. To safeguard from those misconceptions nursing board discussed some beneficial guides to prevent their license in a better way. One discusses the misconception between staff and gaining ideas. Second is explaining about the nursing conduct with the investigation to take action. The third is to develop an approach to prevent the license (Brous, 2012). There should be a legal checklist while hiring nurses in the facilities. The current legal registration of a nurse is only validated for the work environment. The overseas practice nurse cannot provide treatment unless they are legally governed by the act of the states. There should be properly examined by the board of nursing that result in reporting of overseas nurse hold a license that is legally registered in the states. The checklist helps to create a better outcome which also prevents professional misconduct in practice (Mikos, 2004)In Brazil, the nurses were complaints by colleagues and patients related to ethical issues or professional misconduct. The complaints were examined by complaints filed with the Regional Board of Nursing of Mato Grosso do Sul (COREN-MS) with the variable investigation of complaints. Most complaints in the nursing profession arise in a hospital set up and cause allegation of license in nursing practice and nursing technician. The problem occurs in the ethical principles and was breached due to poor quality of care provided by nurses that cause ethical issues in the nursing profession. To find out the solution of professional misconduct the main responsibilities of nurses get proper education of professional code and ethics. The guidelines of policies create an awareness in the profession of nursing which gives them the idea to be responsible caretakers as well as follow the principle of bioethical and legal principles (da Silva, da Silva Candido, Duarte, & dos Santos, 2016). The beneficial remedies are examined in the Australian context of nursing regulating authority when determining the honest misleading conduct. Nurses made a minor mistake but accept the mistake and being honest in their mistake. In this situation, the disciplinary action is taken for the improvement of patient care plus educate the guideline of the error to nurses. Making an honest mistake in the work environment can be adopted for improving the safety and benefit of care in health care facilities (M & O, 2005).Nurses Tribunal in New South Wales assumed the finding of unethical conduct of nurses. Five inquiries were made in the year between 1998 and 2003 that evaluate the critical discourse analysis. The finding of the analysis revealed unethical conduct in the nursing practice. The discourse is all based on trust and liability that shaped by normalizing judgments that were in the position of a nurse (Dixon, 2013). The nursing profession is a caregiver task for the patient. As being in this profession, the most important code the nurse need to understand is the code of keeping a record accurately and correctly. All the data entered in the record should be exact without any false data which helps to prevent the patient’s history and helps to deal with future treatment. Records play an important role in protecting the nurses from any misconduct as it provides proof and evidence that determined as a requirement of code. Also keeping an accurate record is the duty of the nurse that uplifts the legal and professional code in the health care facilities (Griffith, 2015). Today’s world is famous in social media. Whatever we do we post on social media like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. But in the field of nursing profession posting anything about patient-related is not accepted by the code and ethics. Patient privacy and confidentiality are the guideline code of ethics but if nurses start saying patients related to their friends or in social media than this is considered as professional misconduct. Using the wrong way in social media about workplace create a problem for nurses that include job termination, disciplinary action from the board of nursing which brings a false impact on the career of nurses and also harm in the license of registration. So, nurses need to think more before posting any things about work-related. This helps them to prevent from unprofessional conduct (Balestra, 2018).Nurses sometimes care for the patient in poor and not in the standard way which harms the patient hygiene. Poor care also threatens the safety of patient rights and dignity which became shameless in the nursing profession. The care which is provided in the negligence should be reported by the staff but the poor care cannot be notified clearly. So, the proper action is not taken but if the poor care is identified then the action is taken but passively. Instead of punishing the nurse the proper knowledge of legal guidelines is educated and encourage the nurses to provide a quality of care. Thus, ethical dilemmas will slowly be diminished and create safe and good care in the health care facilities (Ion, Olivier, & Darbyshire, 2019). The nursing and midwifery board of Australia (NMBA) has conducted a new legal and code of conduct for the nurse. NMBA set the goal for preventing from professional behavior, helps in practicing cultural safety and protect the health of the patients. The new codes provide guidelines of principles regarding cultural practice and respectful relationships. All nurses and midwives are regulated with the codes and ethics which help to provide safe practice with person-centered care as well as women-centered care (Australian Nursing & Midwifery Journal, 2017). Nurses sometimes knowingly or unknowingly face professional misconduct. Professional misconduct means itself is the risk for the career of nurses. But if nurses find guilty or sorry for their mistake than there is a law that gives chances to do the right things in the future. But the penalty of misconduct has to be paid either by suspension or by paying certain charges. After the charges, the jurisdiction also notified to undergo certain education of legal and professional code which in future the misconduct would not be held again. So, nurses are bound with legal and professional code of conduct which helps to prevent ethical dilemmas as well as from professional misconduct (Kai Tiaki Nursing New Zealand, 2016).In conclusion, professional misconduct causes risk in the safety of patient which need to be reported by colleagues or patient. To bring a safe environment in the nursing profession the main theme is to understand the code of value and maintain good communication between workers and co-workers. The remediation program is the best approach for safe nursing practice and helps nurses to realize their lack of responsibilities and failing of their professional conduct. In the nursing field there occur an ethical problem that causes misconduct in the care. To promote professional irresponsibility’s nurses should understand the standard of practice and also motivate them about the reporting of any misleading act that harms wellbeing. Nurses should know their professional boundaries in their practice and give an idea to deal with an ethical issue which brings self-awareness and safe learning facilities in an organization. Accepting a gift from the patient and their families in the profession of nursing is considered professional misconduct. Nurses are legally not allowed to take any gift and it is beyond the code of ethics that causes allegation of theft from nursing and midwifery council. Nurses should not belief or misconception that they have legal rights to do anything after registration or getting a license. This misconception brings negligence which later forms professional misconduct. To prevent those beliefs and misconception there should be a proper discussion between co-worker and investigation process to be explained how to take action with preventing the approach of license. The accurate detail and complete data should be recorded in the facilities which prevent from being misleading act as the data remains as a proof of nursing duty. Nurses should provide a quality of care to the patient to maintain the right and dignity of patients. The nursing and midwifery board of Australia has released a new law of codes and ethics for person-centered care. Thus, to promote from professional misconduct certain laws are approached to take action like suspension for a month or applying charges of the misleading act that bring more attention not to repeat in the future.ReferencesBalestra, M. L. (2018). Social Media Missteps Could Put Your Nursing License at Risk. Colorado Nurse, 118(4), 16–17.Caldicott, C. V. (2019). A Framework for Remediating Professional Ethical Lapses. 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