The school I have decided to investigate is called Risley Avenue Primary

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The school I have decided to investigate is called Risley Avenue Primary School. It is located on The Roundway, London N17 7AB. It is an early years’ service, which is run by the Local Authority of Education (LEA), Haringey. Risley Avenue Primary School is a statutory service, run by the government, which is free. This allows children from all ethnic, racial and financial backgrounds to be able to go to Risley Avenue Primary School since they don’t have to worry about not being able to afford the fees required to go to the school. Risley Avenue Primary School provides education and support for children, who are 3-11 years old. I’ll be focusing on the early years’ services provided by the primary school; specifically, the nursery. Risley Avenue Primary School is a mixed gender school. According to the inspection that was done by Ofsted on the 31st January to 1st February 2013, the overall Ofsted rating was GOOD (2). This is because the teaching quality overall is good; the attendance rate has improved and now meets the national average; students are well-behaved and feel safe in school, and students enjoy school because the lessons are planned so that they are fun and engaging.The school is a community school, which is a multicultural school, meaning the students who study there are from various parts of the world, are believers of different religions and most students belong to ethnic minorities, for example, Christianity and Islam.The main ethos of Risley Avenue Primary School is to encounter and assist every student so that they accomplish their goals. To ensure this, the students experience overwhelming education chances, so that they become “responsible, respectful, independent citizens” when they grow up. Furthermore, in order to make Risley a “vibrant, inclusive, safe and happy” learning environment, “parents, governors, staff and children” endeavour every day. Their aim is to be remembered by everyone who goes to or went to Risley Avenue Primary School.Risley Avenue Primary School has their Top 10 values, which includes “respect, aspiration, perseverance, teamwork, love, democracy, the rule of law, courage, honesty, and tolerance and beliefs”.Risley Avenue Primary School is open five days a week, like any other school/ nursery, from Monday to Friday. The students start school at 9.00 am and finish at 3.15 pm, with a break of 15 minutes from 12.00 pm to 12.15 pm; their lunch starts at 11.30 am. In total, their learning hours in a week is 21.5 hours.The client group I’ll be researching is babies and children, who are in nursery and are 3 years old or over.I have chosen Risley Avenue Primary School to base my investigation on because I have heard excellent things about Risley Avenue Primary School from my classmates as well as family friends who have attended or sent their children to Risley Avenue Primary School. I have heard that the staff members are extremely dedicated to their jobs and have affection for all students. Additionally, all students attending Risley Avenue Primary School feel safe while they are in school. Also, they are able to engage with their lessons and have good understanding about the topics and subject they study, which proves the excellent teaching quality of the school. Furthermore, the location of the school is very convenient for me, especially for carrying out research, such as, observation. In addition, I am able to observe real life situations, such as, natural behaviour of students and parents, rather than having observer effect, which is when the participants or the group of people being observed change their behaviour due to the presence of the observer. Aims and objectives for each taskTask 1: Preparation For this task, I aim to recognise the Primary School/ Nursery I will be investigating in my coursework, as well as the client group the Primary School/ Nursery is targeted at. Also, I aim to create a detailed and comprehensive plan/ checklist for myself, which will help me identify the aims and objectives I need to follow, as well as the deadlines for each task. Finally, I will categorise the research methods into primary and secondary research and include what primary and secondary research I’ll use.Task 2: How the service can be obtained and possible barriers to accessing the servicesMy aim for this task is to investigate how my client group gains access to the early years’ services, e.g. which referral system (self- referral, professional referral, and third-party referral) is mostly used, and how it is used. I also aim to find out how The Children Act 2004 legislation helps the children to get a better-quality education and support. Furthermore, I aim to identify the possible barriers my client group faces, for example, physical, psychological, financial, cultural and languages, geographical, and resource barriers, and how it affects the opportunities they are able to access. Finally, my aim is to investigate how Risley Avenue Primary School is meeting the equality of care, e.g. do the students play together during lunch and/ or break, are the students grouped according to their ethnicity, gender, and skin colour?Task 3: The needs of a client group and the types of services that exist to meet their needsMy aim is to investigate how the nursery helps to meet the needs of the client group, for example, the health, developmental and social care needs. Also, evaluate and explain the role of parents and carers in the students’ lives. Finally, I aim to find out and describe how the different sectors (e.g. statutory, informal and third sector) help to meet the students’ basic needs.Task 4: The role of a care practitioner who works in the serviceFor this task, I aim to choose a care practitioner who spends most of their day with students in the nursery, and describe how dedicated the care practitioner is to their work/ job and how they apply care values (such as confidentiality of information, and equality and diversity) in their profession. I also aim to investigate the effects on the children if the care practitioner doesn’t apply codes of practise and guidelines (such as safeguarding, and duty of care). Furthermore, my aim is to examine the communication skills the care practitioners use to make the students feel comfortable. Finally, I aim to investigate the qualification routes needed to become a care practitioner.Task 5: ConclusionFor conclusion, my aim is to analyse the skills and qualities the care practitioner needs to provide care successfully to the children in the nursery. Also, my aim is to evaluate the efficiency of my plan and/ or checklist in meeting my targets and to identify any future developments I can make for any investigations. Finally, create a bibliography to illustrate the sources I have used to produce my controlled assessment successfully.