Traffickers can victimize anyone who presents themselves to seem helpless or have

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Traffickers can victimize anyone who presents themselves to seem helpless or have low self-esteem. I currently am a student at Glendale Community College, and I am majoring in Nursing. I am enrolled in English 102 and I am currently working on expanding my knowledge on better ways to write my papers. The different forms of human trafficking are overwhelming to targeted victims and many people are unaware of the signs and different forms of human trafficking. As a step to help victims of human trafficking, the government needs to take more initiative to protect their citizens from this danger. A common form of trafficking that is used against women and children is sex trafficking. As stated by Amanda Walker-Rodriguez, a current member of the Maryland Human Trafficking Task Force claimed that a way for traffickers to control their victims is through force, drugs, emotional tactics and financial methods (Walker-Rodriguez). Many females that run away from their homes and are kicked out are targeted and brainwashed to think that someone else can provide security, love and wealth if they are compliant with the trafficker’s demand. Traffickers make the victims engage into sexual relations with strangers several times throughout the day and week to make money off the victims. Human sex trafficking is slavery and a big business. It is the third largest criminal enterprise in the world and the fastest growing business of organized crime (Walker-Rodriguez). The Trafficking Victims Protection Act defines the crime of sex trafficking as the “recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for the purpose of a commercial sex act where such an act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such act has not attained 18 years of age” (“Fact Sheet: Human Trafficking””