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PATIENT SATISFACTION QUALITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT: CHANGE MODEL Helena Skowyra – MunozPROBLEM ➢ more than 250,000 deaths per year are due to medical errors ➢ the main cause of the errors is the use of abbreviations instead of full names and the use of similar name ➢ lack of knowledge is also cause of errorsMISSION Hospital menagament will reduce errors related to naming, labeling and medication administration b y implementbar -code scanning system .WHY CHANGES ARE NESSESARY? ➢ to improve quality of care ➢ decrease medication errors ➢ increase patient safetyADPIE ➢ ADPIE is an acronym that stands for Assessment, Diagnosis, Planning, Implementation and Evaluation➢ the ADPIE process is designed to assist medical professionals in identifying and addressing potential medical concerns.STRATEGIES 1. Create a team 2. build relationships between facilitators and practitioners 3. pilot bar coding system implementation project within a group of hospital patientsStrategy 1: CREATE A TEAM ➢ employees with experience ➢ team leader with knowledge of imprement technology ➢ ability to work in a teamSTRATEGIES 2 and 3 ➢ team leader build proper relationships between stakeholders ➢ training in the useof implemented technologyCOMMUNICATION STRATEGYCOMMUNICATION STRATEGYCONCLUSION The implementation of barcode scanning on wristbands, medicines and medical devices drastically reduced the number of medical errors and thus improved patient safety. Wristbands provide better identification of patients’ identities, prevent errors and thus reduce the risk of possible consequences associated with this type of confusion. The wristband is a source of knowledge about the patient’s treatment history and tests, medical procedures etc.REFERENCES American Medical Association (2017). AMA Principles of Medical Ethics. Retrieved from https://www.ama -assn.org/delivering -care/ama -principles -medical -ethics Institute of Medicine (1999). To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System . Washington, DC: National Academy Press. Marquis, B. L., & Huston, C. J. (2017). Leadership roles and management functions in nursing: Theory and application (9th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer Health, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Nurse Journal.org (2017). The 5 Most Common Mistakes Made By New Nurse . Retrieved from https://nursejournal.org/articles/the -5-most -common -mistakes -made -by -new -nurses/ Nurse Theory (2019). ADPIE – Nursing Process Steps . Retrieved from https://www.nursetheory.com/adpie/ Poon E. (2010, May 6). Effect of Bar -Code Technology on the Safety of Medication Administration . The New England Journal of Medicine , 362(18), 1698 -707. doi : 10.1056/NEJMsa0907115