Errors in MedicationVerneda SmithCapella UniversityAnalyze Current Health Care Problems or IssueErrors in

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Errors in MedicationVerneda SmithCapella UniversityAnalyze Current Health Care Problems or IssueErrors in MedicationOctober 2019Analyze A Current Health Care Problem or Issue Medication errors, as explored in the previous assessment, is part of our mission statement. “We are commented to the care and improvement of human life.” This assessment will discuss issues that occur when patients have to endure the outcome from being given medication errors. Rather it be the wrong time, route, dose, person or medication. One of the important ethical elements play a large role beneficence and nonmaleficence. The improment will help to promote better health care. Elements of the Problem/Issue Research shows that medication errors are more frequently occurring causing unintentional harm to patients. These errors are preventable but are happening at every stage of medication administration preparation and distribution (Cloete, 2014).Preparation errors can take place when medication is diluted incorrectly by too much or too little during the reconstitution process. There are also errors that can be made during the prescribing process, incorrect medication based on a patient’s allergies and because of this the wrong dose is given, form, route or quantity could be used. Distribution problems happen when the correct dose is prescribed but the wrong amount is given. Improper administration when the dose is required to be given oral but is given intravenously is another. Medication being given outside the time scheduled. Not giving a dose before the next is due, and finally giving a greater amount or lesser amount and not managing the patient’s condition. Analysis As a registered nurse it is my responsibility to be aware that allergies exist, and not administer that medication. It’s my responsibility to notice if a medication was just given even, and not double dose because previous dose was off schedule. Also, sometimes patient’s condition may require you to hold a medication. For, example patient’s heart rate is currently 50 bpm. It is my responsibility to know not to give a heart medication that can drop it even lower. Watching your patients’ trends and knowing their baseline is also very important. Context for Patient Safety Issues Over seventy percent of the United States population take at least one medication daily. Unfortunately, at least one death occurs from a medication error as a result of this and millions are injured annually. Patients are being seen by multiple physicians providing different services and information is being fragmented as a result doctors are not being relayed important information and errors are occurring. With today’s technology if a patient is going through a different network it’s almost impossible for Physicians’ to know all important patient information ( 2015). Make sure your patient is aware of what they are taking and why.Population Affected by Medication Errors The errors are seen more in the elderly, because the risk factors are increased. In the elderly you see multimorbidity, cost related barriers and poor coordination of care. Other research found that with an increasing amount of prescribed medications errors are prone to be seen more often. Some disease factors (oncology, immunosuppression, cardiovascular and even musculoskeletal) have larger numbers of errors due to the type of medications that are taken and the interactions with other medications (Iftikhar, Muhammad, 2018). Infants are also being administered doses incorrectly because of the weight base difference. One wrong dose to an infant can easily cause death. Considering Options Improving patient safety and reducing medication error will take a system approach. Strategies include computer technology, education, clinical pharmacist and some emphasis on the elderly population. Some intervention on antibiotic use and targeting clinical areas. I also agree that the correct use of the Electronic Health Record is very important. Evaluating patient’s medication records will help improve their outcome. Interventions lead to improved care and safety.Solution Reviewing the system and updating the system when there are medication changes or deletions making the change stand out. This would definitely help with potential drug reaction events. The health care providers also need education to improve medication dispensing and being reeducated to ensure their knowledge continues to grow with todays growing technology will also decrease medication errors. Also, patients getting the involved with their own care is the key. The problem with these solutions, not everyone has the resources to get the best technology. Also, some patients may not have the literacy to understand their own care, and don’t forget that there are many different cultures that interpret things differently. Implementation Using computerized systems strengthen health care providers in administering medications it also gives alerts to potential inappropriate medication use. Implement interventions to watch out for adverse outcomes in children and elderly care when preparing and administering medication. Making sure your patients understand what they are taking and why, will also help during discharge and my help with decrease readmittance (Marvanova, 2018). Ethical implication might interfere with the implementations is HIPPA privacy rule. Some patients may need interpreting and it should be done by an approved translator and not a friend or neighbor that might not even understand what is being stated. Conclusion Preventing harm and establishing safety with the improvement in life should be our main focus. Health care organizations need to focus on promoting will being for every age. Doing what it takes to prevent medication errors from happening and learning from the mistakes that are being made. Primary care and Institutions should be working hand and hand to promote patient safety. Communication will help to spread knowledge to help health care providers and patients understand what the overall outcome that is to be expected with their care. Creating a strong network between all providers will help create safety and trust in patients. Raising awareness also makes a bond to improve performance in the health care industry. Providing checklist should be available when needed with complex medication preparation and dispensing. Also, strengthening the use of electronic tools helps with efficiency and more accurate records keeping. Encourage the patient to get involved with care. The ethical implications must be considered before providing education to each patient on a case by case basis. They will be empowered in their care and maybe more aware of interactions with their medications. Celebrate success and continue education and research to improve safety and promote life.