Singapore healthcare system has been actively involved in the incident reporting system

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Singapore healthcare system has been actively involved in the incident reporting system (IRS) for any incidents that compromised one’s safety (Jerng et al., 2017). In recent years, incident reports have revealed that 41% of the conflicts among healthcare professionals are highly associated with compromised patients’ care (Cullati et al., 2019). Hence, healthcare conflicts will be addressed to explore ways to improve patients’ care in the long run.(59 words) Description of Clinical Experience (200 words) – Provide a clear, concise summary of your selected clinical situation (include who, what, where, why and how of the situation)Interpersonal conflicts among healthcare professionals are most common in a clinical setting (Jerng, 2017). During my clinical posting at Singapore General Hospital in year one, I witnessed a conflict among the nurses. Involved in the conflict was the two staff nurses who were in-charged of two different cubicles. Due to a shortage of manpower, the two staff nurses (SN) each had to be in-charged of all six patients in cubicles one, and two respectively. The conflict started when SN Stacy had to go for break and approached SN Mary for help to assume responsibility of her high-risk cubicle temporarily. However, SN Mary was busy at the moment discharging three patients. Additionally, she also had to handle new admissions that were arriving promptly. Hence, SN Mary rejected SN Stacy’s request. The reply led to a misunderstanding between SN Stacy and SN Mary since SN Stacy has always helped to cover cubicle when SN Mary is having break. SN Stacy then stomped off enraged without listening to SN Mary’s explanation. This resulted in SN Mary having a bad impression of SN Stacy as being an unreasonable person. SN Mary subsequently showed attitudes towards SN Stacy for the remaining shift. (Examples of conflicts) Theoretical Analysis/Application (600 words) – Discuss how you would have handled the situation using one of the management concepts – Literature references need to be clearly specified and applied appropriately. Conflict management is important in ensuring a good interpersonal relationship. Good interpersonal relationships among the nurses are important to have a united team (Althea, 2016). This encourages nurses to strive together towards the healthcare goal of ensuring that patients receive quality of care. To manage conflict effectively, the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument can be applied (Althea, 2016). Conflicts often arise among nurses owing to a lack of communication. Hence, communication is essential in understanding the root cause of the conflict to be resolved (Madalina, 2016). The management concept to be used to resolve the conflict between the two nurses is a collaborative strategy (Althea, 2016). A collaborative strategy is beneficial in ensuring a win-win situation. Furthermore, this stimulates a positive relationship of mutual respect (Althea, 2016). This is vital in the healthcare industry, where there are high expectations to be met by nurses. Collaborative strategy can be applied to the two staff nurses to resolve their conflict in the following ways. Firstly, there should be mutual respect between the two staff nurses. Both the two staff nurses should be more understanding of each other and not be too quick in making a judgement. Hence, SN Stacy should not stomp off enraged without listening to SN Mary’s explanation. Furthermore, SN Mary should not have shown her attitude towards SN Stacy without understanding the whole situation. Lack of mutual respect will only further intensify the conflict between the two staff nurses (Althea, 2016). Thus, mutual respect is vital in preventing or managing conflict as part of the collaborative strategy.Secondly, there should be communication between the two staff nurses. Different people have different working styles and personalities. Lack of communication can result in misunderstanding occurring (Althea, 2016). Hence, SN Stacy should have taken the initiative to understand the reason behind SN Mary’s rejection. Moreover, SN Mary could have also taken the initiative to resolve the misunderstanding by explaining her current predicament. Ignoring the conflict or placing the blame on the other party will only exacerbate the situation which does not resolve the issue (Segal & Smith, 2016). Furthermore, proper techniques should also be used during the communication process. Both staff nurses should be genuine and listen to what the other party has to say without interrupting. A wrong communication technique used can affect the communication process (Althea, 2016). This can further deepen the misunderstanding between the two staff nurses, instead of resolving the conflict. Thus, the usage of proper techniques during communication is essential in the collaborative strategy in finding the root cause of the conflict between the two staff nurses and encourages conflict resolution.Thirdly, there should be a collaboration between the two staff nurses (Althea, 2016). According to SNB codes of ethics for nurses and midwives, Principle 5 states that nurses must practice in a responsible and accountable manner (Singapore Nursing Board, 2018). Nurses must take patients’ safety into considerations by recognizing the limits of their own competence before accepting any responsibilities (Singapore Nursing Board, 2018). Thus, SN Mary can explain to SN Stacy that she can still help to cover her cubicle during her break. However, it is important to make known to SN Stacy that she has to prioritize her tasks first owing to her heavy workload. Alternatively, SN Mary can advice SN Stacy to approach another suitable nurse for help. Hence, this prevents misunderstanding between the two staff nurses. With collaboration, the two staff nurses will be able to help one another to attain their goals without conflicts occurring (Althea, 2016). Thus, collaboration is vital to manage conflicts as part of the collaborative strategy.  Implications for Professional Practice and Management (300 words) Write a clear, concise analysis of: – What you learned from this experience? Through this experience, I have learned several things. Firstly, mutual respect among nurses is important. One will gain the respect of others when one has shown respect to others. Without mutual respect, misunderstanding and conflicts can easily occur. Secondly, communication with proper techniques used among nurses is important. Since everyone has different mindsets, communication is essential to let people know what you are thinking. Furthermore, communication should be done using proper methods. This helps to prevent misunderstanding among nurses. Lastly, collaboration among nurses is important. Given that nursing is a very demanding job, we need to understand that there are be times when help from other nurses will be required. Thus, one should not be overly task-oriented at the expense of the positive relationship with other nurses.- How will this benefit you in your career? – Include an appropriate SNB Code for Nurses and Midwives (2018) that applies to this experience.All the learning points from this experience will certainly be beneficial for me in my future nursing career. In a nursing career, mutual respect, collaboration, and communication are essential (Althea, 2016). These benefits the working relationship between nurses and the safety of the patients. Hence, I will have a clearer understanding of the way to build a positive relationship among nurses. With a good relationship with other nurses, there will be people whom I can approach for advice in situations when help is needed. There will also be a lower risk of conflicts occurring by respecting others. Moreover, nurses will be more willing to share their experience and knowledge (Singapore Nursing Board, 2018). Thus, allowing me to become a nurse that can provide a higher quality of care for the patients. Additionally, the SNB code of ethics for nurses and midwives supports a high quality of care. According to principle 10, there must be collaboration among all healthcare personals in the team (Singapore Nursing Board, 2018). Working in an environment where support and collaboration among nurses are present, the interest of other people will be of the top priority (Singapore Nursing Board, 2018). Good quality of care for patients will then be delivered as a team and not individually (Kieft, Brouwer, Francke & Delnoij, 2014).  Conclusion (50 words) In conclusion, conflict management is essential in a nursing career. The use of collaborative strategy would be the most effective measure in resolving conflict. This management concept comprises of mutual respect, collaboration, and communication. This is beneficial in the long run, in ensuring a positive working relationship among nurses and good quality of care being provided to the patients (Kieft et al., 2014).