The purpose of this week’s assignment is to discuss the difference between

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The purpose of this week’s assignment is to discuss the difference between formal and informal leadership structure and also discuss what type of organizational structure describes our current place of work. As healthcare workers, it is important to know how the organization functions and how the management addresses situations.Formal Organizational StructureI work in two different organizations. One of the organizations is a large organization that applies a line organizational structure or what we call a bureaucratic organizational design (Marquis & Huston, 2017). Many employees that work at a large organization are used to Line organizational structures (Marquis & Huston, 2017). The leaders and management utilizes a simple, uncomplicated process when dealing with employees. The members of the organization are aware of their position and understand their role (Marquis & Huston, 2017). A chain of command is strictly followed. When a situation arises within the staff, it must go to its proper chain of command. Issues cannot go from the employee straight to the CEO, it must utilize a line structure and follow a chain of command; the charge nurse carries the problem presented by nursing staff to the manager, the manager proceeds to the directors, and the directors to the officials and management (Laureate Education, 2012a). Employees that work under Line organizational structure find it hard to accept new ideas; they find it hard to embrace changing situations. They are known to be formal designs which have some setbacks; (Marquis & Huston, 2017). Communication is highly encouraged by management rather than confined communication; in other to create an a climate of open mindedness and avoid promoting unnecessary boundaries (Marquis & Huston, 2017). Centralized & Decentralized Decision-MakingCentralization follows a strict organization pattern. Authority and decision making is centralized mostly in management compared to Decentralization which divides decision making between employees and employers. Decision making is spread out throughout the organization. (Boissoneau & Belton 1991). Although decentralization is often viewed as more efficient way an organization could operate, it could be misused therefore centralization can sometimes be needful. The key to decentralization is to equal out autonomy and control. Having both in excess is sign of failure. (Boissoneau & Belton, 1991). My hospital utilizes the decentralization decision-making process. Responsibilities are shared between workers and all bodies have collaborative ideas towards decision making. Ideas for quality improvement are received and a shared analysis is utilized to meet the vision and the goal of the organization. With decentralized decision making organization issues are often resolved at its level rather than up in higher management unless when issues are unable to be resolved then it follows proper chain of command. (Marquis & Huston, 2017). There is collective participation and autonomy and control is distributed as long as it improves patient care and outcome.Formal and Informal LeadershipFormal leadership tends to have more influence on employees compared to informal leadership. Formal leadership comes with a tittle, (Downey, Parslow & Smart, 2011). for instance a clinical educator that operates as a diabetes educator will have certain authority to perform specific task compared to any employee who just proves education to diabetic patient. This employee was appointed as a clinical couch to provide care therefore other employee regardless of experience and knowledge would have to function under the authority of the clinical leader and during diabetic clinical competency. Formal leaders are recognized as compared to informal leader who uses strength or quality of work to influence the organization without formal leadership title. Informal leaders possess their strength by their influence and strong character. The combination of formal and informal leadership style will produce more quality result. This is because my organization is mixed with both formal leaders and informal and more quality result is achieved when we work together as a team. My unit recognizes both formal and informal leaders in decision-making and it does not matter if there is a title to your name as long as the decision will improve quality of care it will be embraced. With this collaboration, I have seen measurable remarkable results.Summary