Throughout time knowing more than one language has been a plus Even

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Throughout time, knowing more than one language has been a plus. Even, if it’s not English, it becomes very convenient. Once we are used to certain languages, we never really think of how other may communication and become closed minded when it comes to finding out that other cultures have their own unique way communicating. Some have it very straight forward while others may have more to it rather than just verbally speaking. When it comes to cultures such as Kenya, Australia and Iran you start to get more of an idea of how disparate cultures worldwide can be. When we first mention Australia, we think of the little accent they have and how they constantly call each other “mate”, but that’s about it right? But why not learn more of the Aussie culture. Located between Indian Ocean and the South Pacific, Australia holds its ethnic group to be quiet straight forward. With 92% of the population being Caucasians the remainder of 7% are Asians, leaving 1% to be an aboriginal ethnicity. When it comes to religion though, it becomes a little more diverse than their population. Anglican holding 26.1% of its population, Roman Catholics at 26% Christian with 24.3%, non-Christian 11% and other 12.6%, holding a Democratic Government. So, you see, Australia has its differences comparing to the culture we are used to, which is our own. Going into their language, it is shown by source Commisceo Global that English is their primary language, but they do have a “colorful” vocabulary along with their accent and slangs which can may take a bit to get used to. In 1788, there was about 250 different kinds of languages being used in Australia but over time it has decreased immensely, leaving them with three primary languages. When it comes to healthcare, we always want to keep an open mind because some may have very strict methods whether it’s from their religion, or how they are introduced to healthcare from where they are from. Some cultures have their own methods when it comes to healthcare, therefore, it is always necessary to be mindful and respect those methods. In Australia, the citizens have access to public health insurance, including residents with a permanent visa and New Zealand citizens. Australia offers a medical plan of Private Health Insurance that offers more choices of providers with faster access for nonemergency services, but with the process to look through of certain requirements. Personally, throughout time, I have noticed that a bigger amount of cultures is starting to become part of The American culture, leading them to start getting used to healthcare here. With Australians having more options to what type of insurance plans they are offered I believe that if I would ever stumble across a situation with someone from another country that carry different healthcare programs, then may work with them in a way that would give them an idea of how healthcare is in a different country, yet in ways that can make them see that maybe they ae not so different. Having good communication techniques with different cultures is a must in the healthcare field. We always want to make sure we are greeting patients respectfully and a way that they won’t feel turned down on and confused about their own health. Speaking with Australians in this situation would be simply reminding them of how maybe our methods would be a bit different, but that we can always find ways that would ensure them that they will be as satisfied with the healthcare process here, as if they were back at home. At the end of the day, we all want the best when it comes to seeking help for our health, and nothing beats the feeling of knowing you’ll be taken care of the proper way, and there is always that way, just with communicating right with one another. Now that we learned a bit about the Australian culture and its healthcare, we still want to get a bigger view on different cultures and their own healthcare. Iran is never much mentioned, since they are very much different from us when it comes to the basics such as language and religions. But it is another culture that would becoming convenient to learn about. Located in the Middle East, and borders Afghanistan and Armenia with several other countries, it holds larger ethnicities. The largest being Persian at 52%, Azeri with 24%, Gilaki and Mazandarani at 8% Kurd 7%, Arab 3%, Lur 2% Baloochi 2%, Turkmen 2% and other with 1%. Along with religions, it becomes very different from what we are accustomed to. Their religions hold 89% Shi’a Muslim, 9% Sunni Muslim, Zoroastrian. Jewish, Christian and Baha’i being the last 2% with a Islamic republic being their government. In Iran, their languages are very diverse, such as Indo-Iranian, Semitic and Turkic. But back in 1986, the Commisceo Global source states that 70% of the population had speaker of Indo-Iranian languages. Since they have a completely different god, The Prophet of Muhammad, basically everything in their daily lifestyle becomes different compared to what we have learned before or what we are used to. When it comes to healthcare in Iran, more than 85% of its population even those deprived, have access to primary health care services. They have several facilities that may contribute to their health which everyone has access to it. Unfortunately, with how rapid demographics are developing, they are unable to keep up with the process, making those deprived, not have access to its current healthcare. With this information we can give them more options of healthcare, even when their country sometimes isn’t able to. It becomes hard at moments to be able to afford or even get any type of medical help, but there is always some way to be able to help anyone that needs medical attention. Lastly, Kenya being located on Eastern Africa and bordering the Indian Ocean between Somalia. Its ethnic makeup has its fair variety, such as Kikuyu at 22% of its population, Luhya with 14%, Luo 13%, Kalenjin 12, Kamba 11%, Kisii 6%, Meru 6% and other African 15%, and non-African such as Asian, European, and Asia at 1%. Their religions are not so on the diverse side with Protestant holding 45% of Kenya’s population, Roman Catholic 33%, Muslims 10%, Indigenous beliefs 10% and other with the 2% within a whole a republican government. With this culture, it is multilingual. It does have its official languages like Swahili and English, but there are 62 languages that are spoken in the country, but there are so many families of languages that the language people in Kenya speak are in a big variety. Kenya’s healthcare is provided in centers and dispensaries which have their own process to taking care of patient that have certain illnesses. They also have specific nurses in each center of care so that multiple doctors won’t be in use, unless there is a situation nurses may need assistance with. In this situation, it’s best to always get an idea how individuals are used to handling things when it comes to visiting the doctors for whatever they need, and as you can see, Kenya has their own methods of assisting people. In my opinion, this would benefit me from trying to figure out other options so that they feel comfortable with their visitations. Luckily here when I visit my doctor, I usually don’t need to see him unless there is something that I know I may need him for, but other than that I just see the nurses that may know what I need during that visitation. This makes it more convenient for both me and the doctor, since it doesn’t take much time up from things he may need to do, when the nurses can easily take care of it, and it doesn’t make me wait for him longer than I need to. When we least know it, knowing and learning more about other cultures and the way their healthcare works, becomes not only interesting but also very knowledgeable. It increases the ability for us to have open minds about each individual and how we should treat them once they seek medical attention. We are so used to our own surroundings, that we barely notice that there may be differences between cultures. Learning about Australia, Iran and Kenya, made me realize how they might handle their patients and how they may not have the same methods as we have here in the United States, which made me open my eyes and remember that it is best to practice handling patients from across the country in a way that they may be treated from where there from and in a way that makes them and myself comfortable.