1 What was the main takeaway or learning you got from the panel

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1. What was the main take-away or learning you got from the panel discussion?- Last October 4, 2019, our section, 1OTA, organized a panel discussion about collaboration among different rehabilitation professionals in pediatric setting. The professionals and parents shared experiences and lessons about collaborative practice. With that, I gained learnings regarding collaboration in rehabilitation practice. The main take-away or learning that I got from the panel discussion is about the importance of collaboration. Collaborative communication has been described as a helpful foundation (Remke and Schermer, 2012). This could help professionals to discuss matters with different perspectives. It is expected from a team to make a common and realistic goal for their client, respect each other and understand different opinions to show interest and trust, assure the topic of discussion for clarity, develop sensitivity, and manage interpersonal conflicts to avoid difficulties. Moreover, it is important to include the patient’s family to promote empowerment. Also, clarity of the roles and competencies of each member of the team is essential to show respect for other disciplines. It’s normal to have team struggles, but this must be solved immediately to prevent troubles and misunderstandings among the members. Furthermore, trust in each other’s roles and skills is needed to provide a good outcome for their patient. 2. From the discussion, how will you now describe the work of an occupational therapist vis-à-vis physical therapist, speech pathologist and/or SPED teacher, doctor, nurse, psychologist?- In the panel discussion organized by our section, professionals such as Developmental Behavioral Pediatrician named Agnes Falcotelo, Physical Therapist named John Frederick Chua, Occupational Therapist named Gideon Young, Speech Language Pathologist named Isabel Matias, and Guidance Counselor named Marlowe Sarabia attended. These rehabilitation professionals work together. A parent shared her observation and experiences of her son who has 8p23 deletion syndrome and the professionals gave their feedback and imparted their knowledge. As they go on with their discussion, I managed to know the different roles of the professionals. The Developmental Behavioral Pediatrician has a role of evaluating the patient and giving diagnosis. She also provides treatments for children who has developmental and behavioral difficulties. A concerned parent or the client himself must go first directly to a Doctor before having any session. This is to ensure if the person must undergo a therapy. The Physical Therapist provides evaluation on the physical capacities of the patient. He assigns treatments to strengthen body and improve health of the patient. The Occupational Therapist provides treatments for patients who has physical, sensory, and cognitive difficulties. He assigns modalities in treatment and management of the patient to do meaningful tasks and activities. The Speech Language Pathologist specializes in developing speech and language production of the patient. She also offers treatment to those who have swallowing disorder. She provides activities for the improvement of the communication of the patient. The Guidance Counselor normalizes and validates the feelings and thoughts of the client. He gives encouragement and support for the betterment of the mental health of the patient. All of these professionals help to capitalize the strengths and to reach maximum potential of the patient.3. Discuss the pros and cons of working in a team. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having the client as the center of the team (client-centeredness)?- A team consists of different professionals that work together towards a common goal which is to provide a good outcome for their client. The professionals have different backgrounds, trainings, and perspectives. There are advantages and disadvantages in having client as the center of their team. For the advantages, the professionals who share the same client could create interventions and plan for the betterment of their patient. They could have conference together with the client and client’s parent to tell them the progress of the client and the goals that they are aiming for the development of the client. Moreover, this conference could also be helpful to have communication among the professionals, client, and the client’s family. Collaborating effectively among team members, clients, and client’s family results in a good decision-making process, good communication of the plan, and serves to reassure the family that a good process was followed. Frequent communication of facts, assessments, ideas, preferences, and feedback is essential (Remke and Schemer, 2012). For the disadvantages, the team may have conflicts regarding their schedule and their perspectives. The professionals must plan their schedule when they will have their conference to avoid difficulties. Communicating through emails could be a good alternative if the professionals could not really meet up for a conference. Moreover, it is unavoidable to have struggles within the team. Any conflict regarding the ideas and perspectives, the professionals must learn to control themselves and just focus on what the case is. 4. What are your current skills and capacities that enable team work? What are those that you lack that hinders team work? Focus on the skills that can be further developed.- As an occupational therapy student, I developed skills and capacities that enable team work. As we organize the panel discussion, I have shown some skills and capacities. I am cooperative, flexible, responsible. I show attentive behavior and I actively participate in everything that is needed to do. Moreover, I have initiative and sensitivity. I show enthusiasm, understanding, and positivity with everything that I do. On the other hand, there are skills and capacities that I lack and these hinder team work. I admit that I am still not able to prioritize multiple tasks and I am still having a hard time in setting professional and personal boundaries. I must work on handling my personal and professional commitments and obligations. Also, I must know how to organize and manage my task efficiently. This is essential for me to work more effectively and do well in the future.