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Deciding from using or not using the ability to plant memories and control behavior, it’s obvious that most people who know how to do it would recommend a yes in using it. Using this ability would cause many to see the positive aspects of it. Though with many good abilities there are bad ones. In a sense it would improve a person by only half of who they were because it takes time to accept what they’ve become. Or it can trigger a disastrous personality to the person that might hurt another. If we’re going to be looking at the positive aspects of this ability one major and if not perfect example to try this ability out would be on inmates. The ones who’ve committed the most crimes can be tested to see if this ability would benefit others. In controlling behavior it can manipulate their minds to change their perspective from how they once saw the world. If this ability does work it can change humanity in a single flick of the wrist. For example, based on anything negative the person was or is thinking it can be converted to positive thoughts instead. Planting memories may even bring comfort to a person, even if they know it’s not true, and they can hold onto that for the time being of comfort. After looking through some articles about planting memories this ability does not just happen over night. No, this is actually a longer term process the longest would be up to a year for just one false memory to take action. The brain is set up in different sections in what defines a person. The pre-frontal lobe is where the memories are stored in and in order for a false memory to get through the person has to think of the false memory as a memory that is true. So how does it happen? They think of this false memory over and over. And when the time is right, the mind will start to have doubts and then it starts to sink in with the thought of it being true. This long term process does kind of depend on the person who is receiving this information so for some it might not take long. An example of this ability being put into practice would be to test the person in hearing because that’s more memorable than seeing the action. The Deese, Roediger and McDermott (DRM) task is a false memory paradigm in which subjects are presented with lists of semantically related words (e.g., nurse, hospital, etc.) at encoding. It takes up 2-30 minutes for the process to be done and then the person who was tested on would be questioned later to see how their memory is processing. “MCQ ratings indicated that false memories for lures had less auditory detail and less remembered feelings and reactions than memories for presented words. In addition, rates of false recognition for lures were significantly lower than rates of correct recognition when items from various themes were intermixed instead of blocked at acquisition and subjects made MCQ ratings instead of RK judgments.” which this proves that false memories can be affected both by how they are acquired and by how extensively they are examined at retrieval. Another practice was visual memory which is the second most memorable ability a person has. Segovia, Daisy A. showed a film to some participants depicting a graphic car accident. “For some participants, the film unfolded in a temporally disorganised way. We then interviewed participants immediately after the film regarding what they had seen: this ‘direct examination’ included free recall, cued recall and yes/no questions, some of which were misleading. Then, 48 hours later, a second interviewer cross-examined participants. Contrary to our predictions, neither manipulation of the film’s temporal organisation, nor participants’ self-reported feelings of event disorganisation significantly affected their accuracy of the film during direct or cross-examination nor their recognition memory of the film. Instead, we found that regardless of whether participants’ memories were distorted by the direct examination, the suggestive nature of the cross-examination introduced sufficient doubt that participants were willing to change their answers.” in the end she concluded that traumatic memories are vulnerable to suggestive questioning. With some positive affect to this ability, nothing in this world is considered normal without something negative to stand beside it. Usually a person doesn’t think about it until they are in that situation and that is “Confusion”. Even with memories being hardcore facts everyone gets confused one way or another. Its a normal act of being a human and that’s where people forget to remember. Course with possibly many other positive aspects of planting memories that doesn’t erase the fact that if one were to be given false memories others would point out that its false, thus creating this circle of confusion ruining the whole purpose of the false memory being planted in the first place. Only if after this ability does become a positive affect, it would still leave out the question of when should we use it? To some they would say “Use it to those who need it the most” or “Only use it to manipulate others into doing what you want” and as ridiculous as the second question sounded anyone can bet that that is what most people would try to do if this ability was publicly accepted. Let’s say if a person chose to have false memory does that mean they were once a bad person? Possibly no but there’s always a what if involved. Anyone from around the globe would be more than happy to have this ability. Without knowing it can cause a horrible backlash to anyone if the ability isn’t used correctly. And this backlash would be control behavior, it pretty much sums up to what it means, this ability is on a rather priceless side. Meaning only those who know what they’re doing are allowed to use this ability. Take it as some crazy way of brainwashing a person only those who know how to predict what can happen can be the master.