Assignement 2 Project and Monitoring evaluation

Table of Contents

The result of the Logical Framework Approach (LFA) is a Project Planning Matrix (PPM), which shows the interrelation of the four hierarchical levels overall goal, objective, expected result, and activities in a logical fashion. For each level, indicators and external factors have to be identified. The PPM provides a summary on the following questions: why, what, how, which, how and where. WHY? To Repair the floors and change vinylWHAT? To have good floor because Albert Luthuli Central Hospital is the only Hospital with Private Public Partnership In KNZ and the state of the Art Hospital. We have to keep it in good condition for benchmarking as well.HOW? As IALCH has a private partner Department of Health will give them the task of making sure that they get the contractor to do the floors and they will only fund them.WHICH? Construction ProgressScope Creep Clinical Challenges and PlanningPatient MovementHealth and Safety IssuesWaste Management( Moving waste within the hospital without injuries and air pollution)HOW? At Handover Stages: Pre – Commissioning ChecksCommissioning and Certification Sign OffCompliance Certification and issue of completion certificatesClinical Challenges and PlanningResults of Air Quality and Swab TestingImpilo Planning and FeedbackHealth and Safety IssuesWHERE? Internal Stakeholder Communication & MeetingsWard – Domain HOD’sKZN TreasuryPRO IALCHDOH – KZNImpilo – Partners (Private Partner to DOH) Figure 1 And aIntervention Strategy OBJECTIVELY VERIFIABLE INDICATORS MEANS OF VERIFICATION IMPORTANT ASSUMPTIONS/RISKOverall GoalTo maintain the hospital floors and have economically, socially and environmentally conducive working environmentThis space is approximately 10 000 square meters in total, the R18 million which has been made available only covers 4000 square meters so they have decided to concentrate on the critical. Reduced rates of floor damagesConfidence and maintenance of overall Hospital Monitoring and Evaluation reportsAudit reports.Quality checks reports. Assumption for sustainability: Floors to remain lavishly accurate.Project PurposeLonger-TermTo keep the floors effective and sustainable as we are one of Hospitals to pilot on NHI Bill.Shorter-TermNational coordination committee has been established. Quicker and co-ordinated committee.Increased level of approval by the participant Meetings and surveys DOH health and safety personnel.Senior Management Team will approve. Assumption for Overall Goal:Recommendations are accepted by DOH in National levelRESULTS/OUTPUTS1. Network coordination and management system established 2. Information flow in the region improved 3. Access to key resources improved 4. Appropriate policies recommended 1.1 Procedure1.2 Both Private Partner and DOH agree on work programme 2.1 Decanting process and procedure in place.2.2 All required information and time frame in place.2.3 Linkages between stakeholders operational 3.1 Qualified Project Manager is available3.2. All resources required are in place. 4.1 All stakeholders involved in floor project programmes are formulated and all policies and procedures are in place. 1.1 Progress reports 2.1 Network reports 3.1 Network reports, infrastructure in place 4.1 Monitoring and evaluation reports and national reports 4.2 Survey and progress reports 4.3 Policy documents Assumptions for Project Purpose 1. Participants willing and able to share information2. Enabling national( internal and external) communication structure Assumptions for Results/Outputs 1. Competence and basic infrastructure to implementcontrol measures available2. Policy Makers and Planners must cooperate and have meetings at least twice a month.Activities 1. System coordination and management system established1.1 Draft contract, proposal, appoint interim coordinator, define membership standards.1.2 Organize information flow plans1.3 Organize Steering Committee meetings1.4 Organize trainings1.5 Prepare proposals1.8 Coordinate decanting plans1.9 Distribute funds according to number of wards and square meters that needs to be done.2. Information flow within all stakeholders involved.2.1 Encourage quick response to correspondence and improve electronic links between stakeholders.2.3 Provide training for people who will be involved e.g. Porters, Cleaners and Nurses. 2.4 Prepare regular updates meeting of which arears will be next activities take place.2.5 Organize quick and rapid awareness campaigns for patient that are admitted.3. All documents and legal requirements before starting of project.3.1 Prepare and submit well documented proposals to DOH and private partner.3.2 Organise resources for unforeseen defects.3.3 Identify subcontractor and selection of suitable candidates3.4 Making sure that the subcontractor meets BEE status and legal laws.4. Improved floor management arrangements successfully 4.1 Compile and provide information on floor update measures to policy makers and planners4.2 Assist in training of all relevant personnel4.3.Assist in establishment decanting procedure.4.4 Inform all nursing Managements in all wards.4.5 Inform all partners that will be assisting in project. E.g. Linen department. Portering department. Cleaning departments. Equipment department and telephones departments as they need to take out and bring back their items.5. Areas that will be completed.Site Establishment TraumaRadiologyWard Block A1Ward Block B1Ward Block B2Ward Block C1Ward Block C2Ward Block D1Ward Block D2Passages L1 service yard to Consulens storePassages L2 TFS offices to Ward B2Passages L3 Main entrance leading to PharmacyMothers Lodge L16. Cost of the Project.Labour & Material – Primary Contractor( R14 778 054)Labour & Material – Internal( R182 794)Labour & Material – External(R364 235)Cleaning(R272 640)Waste Removal R(338 824)Security (R49 730)IT & Associated Costs(R105 882)Medical Equipment & Associated Costs(R105 882)Signage( R4 235)Plastic Bags & Tents(R156 000)Consumables (R99 526)External Consultants(R1 037 647)Contingency(R1 228 235)TOTAL COST=R18 823 684.84