Chapter 1 THERAPEUTIC ARCHITECTURE IN HEALTHCARE FACILTYIn general any healthcare facility

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Chapter 1 : THERAPEUTIC ARCHITECTURE IN HEALTHCARE FACILTYIn general, any healthcare facility is said to be monotonous and dull in terms of design or experience of a space. Patients in such facility are uncertain about their health, safety and are dealing with isolation from their social identity. The idea of therapeutic architecture thus developed to eliminate all the negative impact on the user. The study does not states that the architecture itself has the ability to heal or of therapy but it surely has the capacity to stimulate the process.2.1. What Is Therapeutic/ Healing Architecture??Therapeutic architecture can be described as the people-centered, evidence-based discipline of the built environment, which aims to identify and support ways of incorporating those spatial elements that interact with people physiologically and psychologically into design.The concept implies that the physical healthcare environment can make a difference in how quickly patients recover or adapt to specific acute and chronic conditions. Figure 4.1-Central atrium at new hospital, DenmarkSource: 2.2. Factors Of Therapeutic ArchitectureHealthcare architects, interior designers, and researchers have identified four key factors which, if applied in the design of a healthcare environment, can measurably improve patient outcomes.1. Reduce or eliminate environmental stressors2. Provide positive distractions3. Enable social support4. Give a sense of control Each of the above factors is described below in detail and how can they be implemented in a space by architectural design.• Reduce or eliminate environmental stressorsEnvironmental stressors as the name suggest are the stimuli in the surrounding that causes stress like temperature, noise, and crowd.i. Orientation is the property of space that communicates to the user its physical relation to other spaces. It includes access, the ability to find and gain entrance to a building, and internal orientation, the ability to lo create a destination in a building successful orientation begins with a clearly identifiable, legible entrance.ii. Way finding problems in hospitals gives stress and has particular impacts on outpatients and visitors, who are often unfamiliar with the hospital and are otherwise stressed and disoriented. Thus, the built environment should provide clear visual cues to orient patients and families, and guide them to their destination and return.iii. Signs and cues that lead to the hospital, especially the parking lot, need to be considered carefully, as they are the first point of contact of the patient with the hospital. Once patients find their way to the building from the parking lot, they are faced with the issue of identifying the destination. Use of legible signage, cues, colors, and information brochures are some of the way to direct people in a particular direction.(shown in figure 4.3 and 4.2) iv. Artwork and aesthetics can enhance the soothing and calming qualities of a space.v. Reduce or eliminate sources of noise; other patients, public address systems, equipment ‘clatter’, loud conversations at nurse Adequate space should be provided in public areas and waiting rooms to avoid crowding.( shown in figure4.4) vii. Odors that are objectionable or ‘medical’ can create stress.viii. Maintain good indoor air quality; 100% outside air where climatic conditions allow.ix. Landscaping, building elements, daylight, color, texture, and pattern should all give cues, as well as artwork and signage. x. Perceived waiting time can be mitigated by positive distractions.xi. Appropriate lighting systems; lighting can be a stressor that alters mood, increases stress, disrupts daily rhythms, and modulates hormone production.xii. Provide lighting that supports natural circadian rhythm; “Provide natural day lighting where possible