Following the assessment the nurses and patient agrees on a plan to

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Following the assessment, the nurses and patient agrees on a plan to help achieve the goals set for recovery. According to Orem refers, this is the point at which ‘prescriptive operations’ are made. According to Wrycraft, care plan is “a description of the interventions and actions that will occur in person’s care; an outline of the desired outcome(s) against which progress is measured; and a record of the agreement of the service user and nurse, along with the date for review of each care intervention” (Wrycraft, 2015, p. 39). Care plan according to Norman & Ryrie is “a blueprint of treatment drawn up in partnership with service user that can be used to communicate the type of treatment they are receiving and to review progress” (Ian Norman, 2013, p. 220)Care plan can also be defined as, setting up of methods and strategies that are evidenced based for achieving the goals set to promote recovery, wellbeing, and to deliver holistic and high-quality care (Myers, 2013, p. 2).Care plan should always be holistic, and person centred. In the recovery model, it is required that a person-centred approach be used so that the service user’s thoughts, feelings and lives can be explored and that the service user can encounter a sense of self-acceptance (Julie Repper, 2003, pp. 45,93).Care plans can be in different forms, they care be in form of case notes, letters or discharge summary. They are also recently being computerized and in standard formats (Wrycraft, 2015, p. 39).A computerized and standardized care plan is advantageous in that it is easy to follow and contains the same range of information for everyone, this can however be at a disadvantage because it can lead to a non-personalised care and staffs can become complacent to the form (Wrycraft, 2015, p. 40)In creating a meaningful care planning, it is important to have the process of deliberations, negotiation and involvement of service users (Wrycraft, 2015)A recovery approach of care planning should also focus on service user’s wellness, wishes, aspirations, hope, ideas and resources available to achieved set goals (Angela Hall, 2013, p. 45)My understanding of the use of care plan and its importance of care plan is that, it allows the services user to be involved in their care in partnership with all the health personnel concerned to achieve the recovery set goals and encourages the monitoring of service users progress. Lisa’s condition could change at any time of her journey to recovery, she could either improve or deteriorate and as change is inevitable in the process of care as the tidal model suggested that change is constant (P.J Baker, 2008) So why are care plan used? Care plan has various purposes, Norman states that “care plan can be useful to the service user, the care team, other agencies and clinical governance. It also states that they are used to set goals, to demonstrate the patient’s journey within a service or across different services and can provide lifesaving information for use in an emergency” (Ian Norman, 2013, p. 220)In planning Lisa’s care, the needs she requires intervention with as agreed by Lisa, Bridget, nurses and other multidisciplinary team members are with Breathing, Mobility and Insomnia so this are the areas of priority where the care plan will be focused on.