I believe that there is a misconception when it comes to elders

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I believe that there is a misconception when it comes to elders and their stereotype that as they age, they no longer have, want, or need sex. I think that people remain sexually active throughout their life span. Much like this cartoon. It appears that this elder couple is being interviewed by a reporter. When asked “What do you think about this study that says senior citizens are having sex two or three times a month” that elder gentleman looks shocked and answers with a “that’s all?” It seems as if there is a stereotype that once people age and and/or hit the chronological age of 65, they stop being intimate with those of the opposite sex. Clearly this is not true for all. There may come a point where there is a decrease in sexual activity for elders, but their interest to engage in sexual activity is still present. I believe this is what is being conveyed in this media cartoon.You see, as a younger adult (myself included), we do not want to think that as people age, they still engage in sexuality. Truth is, as they age, their sex life does not end at all. Sometimes it can decrease, or there may be things that can hinder it, but as much as we do not want to think about our parents, grandparents (or any other elders for that matter), having sex truth is they still are/still do. Even if they are not admitting to their own sexual desires or current sexual relationships. The cartoon I chose makes it clear that senior citizens still have the want and desire. While aging may change their sex life in many ways or to a certain extent, it most definitely does not end it. Even though the reporter in my cartoon portrayals it as senior citizens only having sex a few times a month, I feel that for most senior citizens sexuality can be more, because sexuality in elders is not just about intercourse (or partner sex), it includes masturbation as well. Sometimes many physiological, psychological, and social changes can play a part in their sexual behavior. There are many physiological changes that affect an older adult’s sexuality. Some of these physiological changes in men are things like declining hormones, or testosterone levels, erection dysfunction, or his health. Lower testosterone in males is also known as male menopause. As males age, their erections become less firm and ejaculation decreases. When a male’s testosterone levels lower, they often have an increase in sexual, mood, and cognitive disorders (“Sexuality – Normal physiological changes in older adults””