I was attached in Men’s ward at St Giles hospital it was

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I was attached in Men’s ward at St. Giles hospital, it was after lunch when patients were been told to go to their rooms to rest. This was new to me because during my first week of attachment I did not see patients been sent to their rooms after lunch. I was in the nursing station when I heard voices raised by a staff and a client. The staff had informed clients to rest in their rooms, client N had refused to go to his room, stating that he did not do anything wrong and that he should not be secluded. I heard the staff telling Client N that all clients were going to their room to rest and the client strongly refused to go to his room in top ward. Client became agitated and angry with clear facial aggression marked. With firm handling client was taken to the room and secluded in separation. Client N was noted to be banging on the door, shouting with pressure speech and later noted to be crying. During the incident I felt that the staff was wrong because according to the Mental Health Decree 2010, Part 5 Section 34 states that seclusion “should only be used in exceptional cases to prevent the person causing immediate or imminent harm to the patient or others and must never be used as a means of punishment or for the convenience of staff at the facility”. I also felt that the clients autonomy was not respected when the client had initially refused to be secluded. I had voiced my thoughts to a staff but I was told that it was the patients resting time and they are to be secluded in the room. I felt that I had no say in the patients care because I am currently a student. Later I had voiced my thoughts and opinions to the shift charge who did agree with me. I felt that the nurse had provoked the client into having an angry outburst which could have easily been avoided. By doing this the clients recovery in the hospital is prolonged. Mental health nursing is a challenging and stimulating area of practice that utilizes knowledge from both human and biological sciences (Elder, Evans & Nizette, 2013). Nursing client with mental health problems is never easy, mental health nurses need to be more open minded and understanding towards our clients. Mental health nurses are known as agent of change because mental health nurses play an important role in the treatment and recovery of clients.