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LEGISLATION: It states that these are written laws and regulations which is taken in conclave by the government for all the general population. (Legislation and Guidelines, n.d.) MENTAL HEALTH ACT IN ONTARIOMental health act is a standards for various admission process such as, voluntary and non voluntary into a mental hospitals. In these hospitals all the facilities are available and under this act, physical and mental status examination done on clients. This act also helpful to protect the rights of clients. (Canadian Mental Health Association, n.d.)CATALOG OF MENTAL HEALTH ACTSThere are five other acts related to mental health. These are in listed below. CONTROL DRUGS AND SUBSTANCE ACT: – This is made to reduce the usage of drug abuse. Such as, narcotics, opioids. THE HEALTH CARE CONSENT ACT: – In which rules are made to protect the rights of clients. Such as, right to take decision. SUBSTITUTE DECISION ACT: -In which health care provider explain each and everything to clients and then they can take decisions about their self. THE REGULATED HEALTH PROFESSION ACT: – In which 26 health care professionals makes a team to provide quality of care to clients. POLICE RECORD CHECKS REFORM ACT: – It is used to check weather patients are factitious to have mental illness or not. (Canadian Mental Health Association, 2014)PURPOSES OF MENTAL HEALTH ACT To provide protection to the client. Provide justice to the client who meet certain criteria of mental illness. The right to privacy  It is helpful to provide safety to others. To respect the rights of clients.IMPACT OF MENTAL HEALTH ACT ON PATIENTS: – In which patient have family members, friends and advocate who provide support to client Also, reduce the number of visitors who do not encourage the clients to cope with stressful events.as well as client’s privacy is on the top. Client can take advantages of all the services. Apart from this, in which patient can refuse to take medication. patient’s family members have also same right. That’s why nurse must take written consent from patients for safety. IMPACT OF MENTAL HEALTH ACT ON FAMILIES: – When any person from family member having physical problems. It effects on every family member. Because physically ill persons need attention, help and support from their family members and friends. But when patient suffer from mental illness then they must face discrimination and incomprehension. Following are the impacts on family members. Conflicts Impact on daily living activities Impact on financial security  Low relationship satisfaction  Impact on health and wellbeing  Impact on social and family relationBut mental health act plays vital role in mentally ill patients’ life. family burden will be less due to this act. Owing to patient’s condition family members sad and depressed and take tension about client’s condition. having this act fruitful for whole family because it provides emotional support and other help to family members. (Canadian Mental Health Association, 2014)KNOWLEDGE IMPACT THE STUDENT NURSING CARE: If nursing student know about mental health act then it is beneficial for all the patients and family members who come in hospital for treatment, because then student can provide efficient care to the patient as well as they also reduce tension among family members by providing proper knowledge about diseases conditions. Hence family member will be relaxing. And, clear doubt of the family member about patients’ condition. Apart from this, student can get more knowledge about mental health act, rules and regulations. REFERENCES: – Canada, H. (2006, December 06). Legislation and Guidelines. Retrieved from https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/corporate/about-health-canada/legislation-guidelines.html.Policy papers on Criminal Justice. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://ontario.cmha.ca/provincial-policy/criminal-justice/mental-health-and-addictions-legislation/.Policy Papers on Health Systems Transformation. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://ontario.cmha.ca/documents/caring-together-families-as-partners-in-the-mental-health-and-addiction-system/.Family & Caregiver Support. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://cmha.ca/mental-health/finding-help/family-caregiver-support