Patients first encounter in any health delivery organization in most cases is

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Patients first encounter in any health delivery organization in most cases is the nurse, and in addition nurses spend the highest numbers of hours with patient compare to other specialist in the health field. Therefore, nurses must possess an exemplary communication skill with the patient to develop a mutual trust between both parties and furthermore, such communication skills must also exist between the nurse and other specialist care team. This will enable an efficient collaborative care team and response to best treatment decision on the patient.As care team leader or manager, there are various steps I can take to earn the trust of the member of the work team. The first and foremost step is an open communication, I will let communication flow in both directions. That is, allowing my subordinates freedom of speech, let them express their feelings, perception and their contribution without an hinderance. Communication will be efficient if as a manager you talk to them(subordinates) rather than talking at them. When trust exist, coworker will see you as a confidant to the point that they may start sharing their personal turmoil and also expect you to have strong shoulder to lean on or at least give them an advice to help them out of their life predicament.Secondly, knowing your work team mates, I mean knowing their preferences, their weaknesses and their strength, thereby allocating assignments in such a way for the success of the assignment. In other words, never set them up for failure. Furthermore, the best way to earn a trust is by showing that you trust others first, I will make them 100% responsible for a project without my interference, and make them accountable for the project. This will make them solidify their belief that I trust their judgement and that I acknowledge their contribution.In addition, being a good listener will help to improve trust among the staff. Not only to listen but following with an action that deals with individual concern. Also, I will listen carefully to their concern but I will take time to jump to conclusion or take any action. Integrity, it’s a vital tool to improve trust in interpersonal relationship between the manager and the rest of the staff. I will be a man of my own words, never to give empty promises. A leader whom team mates cannot vouch on his/her words is seen as untrustworthy leader. Such leader does not gain respect of their subordinates, and he/she will not be trusted to efficiently direct and lead the group.Thirdly, I will be open to incorporate changes, changes in most cases leads to success. One cannot continue to execute a project in the same manner and expect a different result. A leader that is not afraid of failure is view and well respected among the workmates. Most importantly I will not assume or present myself to my staff as if I have all the answers. When I make mistake, I will be ready to accept openly, make correction and move on.To improve trust at the administrative level and within the administrative personnel, the most important factor that I will focus on is transparency. It is very important that administrative personal provide feedback and carry along all the departmental head and likewise the departmental head or unit head or manager should disperse such information to the rest of the staff. In Addition, I will discourage the formation of clique among the administrative personal and the rest of the staff. Clique formation always bring division, and where division exist, trust can not stand.Furthermore, not only providing feedback will be helpful to improve trust level at the administrative and among the employee but by encouraging the administrative to take time to listen to all employee concerns, this will go a long way to foster trust. When the administration turns deaf hear to the complain of their employee it tends to tarnish the level of employees and administrative interpersonal relationship. On my part, I will as much as possible give hearing to the employee concern. Employee tends to feel appreciated when their voices are heard and their concerns are taken care off.My personal leadership style is going to be that of shared leadership or participative leadership. In other words, every member will be involved in decision making. This is also known as as a democratic style of leadership. This type of leadership involves all the members, it is not about “I” but instead “we”. It encourages members to assume responsibility in decision making thereby increasing their participation and contribution level for the success of the unit. There is always going to be a change and conflict will surely arise in any dynamic establishment. The steps one takes to accomplish these changes and how the conflict is resolve has a lot to do with the continuous success of the leadership.Thereby, my approach to solving conflict, is to address the conflict with open suggestion and contribution from all the staff. One-on-one conflict arising from interpersonal relationship will be dealt with, considering full respect of individual privacy. Parties involve in personal conflict would be addressed privately. This will help to build trust among staff, knowing that their “dirty clothes” are not divulge out there for everybody to know. However, conflict involving official protocol will be made open with contribution from all the staff. For example, when two or more member of my unit are in disagreement, I will only meet with only those parties involved. My decision and judgement in this case will be based on my moral and personal judgement. If the conflict has to do with the management or work-related issues, the facility policies will be my guide. General meeting discussion will only be for general conflict involving or having impact on all the staff.Changes also will be approached in like manner above. The only different is that the time changes take to become effective may be longer. Gradual step by step approach will be my guide in this case. I belief as a leader, I need to be very cautious when introducing a change to already existing system of operation. Changes can be very helpful to operate a successful leadership or it may also bring about a negative destructive impact on the efficiency of such unit.In summary, building and maintaining trust is essential for any personal or professional relationship to flourish. Trust could be delicate and must be nurtured, practiced and continually assessed to ensure that it does abound, leadership poor decisions leads to mistrust in most cases. Trust could be learned and developed, thereby trust will help to boost achievement of common goals and success within the set of administrative personnel and their employees.