Review of the Qualitative Research Paper

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Review of the Qualitative Research Paper B.C.P.Bandara Student No: 189137858NUR-208University of SunderlandICBT-Kurunegala I declare that this assignment is my own work. I have not used previous assignments.B.C.P.Bandara Hoy,B.,Lillesto,B.,Slettebo,A.,Saeteren,B.,Heggestad,A.K.T.&Nadan,D.(2016).Maintaining dignity in vulnerability :A qualitative study of the residents perspective on dignity in nursing homes. International Journal of nursing studies,60,91-98.This is a qualitative research article about older people who are living in the nursing homes. Authors discussed about maintaining dignity in vulnerability in this study. This write up is a attempt to weigh up every characteristics of above journal article.Title includes 16 words and And title is between 5-15 words in length and it should be describe the the topic /method sample and results of study (enago). When authors outlined the whole content in the title it should reflect the content of the article(Parahoo&Reid1988) parahoo (2006) states long titles can deceive the readers. therefore this research title is quite long and striking the reader.There are twevelve authors have given the contribution to this article . authors educational background and their roles not mentioned in the article so Dale(2005) states educational background and job title is essential for the research paper if not readers may be confused about researchers knowledge of areas due to lack of informationAbstract contains background, Aim, Method, Results , and conclusion of the study .It includes 234 words. An abstract or summary should clearly outline the problem, the hypothesis or research question/s, aims and objectives of the study (Polit and Hungler 1997).It should also cite the methods, which may include either a qualitative or quantitative approach, or a combination of both, to collect the data, the results, conclusions and recommendations for practice (Parahoo and Reid 1988). Abstract can be long usually limited to between 100200 words. (Polit and Hungler 1997).hence, this abstract is lengthy but it includes the essential sections of the abstract .Introduction of this study was built on the purpose stated.The content flows well and mentions only necessary information related to phenomenon being studied.When the provision of the introduction researcher define the dignity. Then they contrast the dignity in to three descriptions; the meaning of dignity, dignity of older people in nursing homes and the purpose of the study.well organized introduction is assisted for readers to understand about study and process of the research(Bassett & B,polit &Beck,2006)Purpose of this study is clearly stated separately so it can be clearly identified and essy to recognize by the reader .the purpose of an article need to be mentioned inside the context of what is known diagnosed expertise and the effect of the item to current frame of knowledge.(polit,1997)There are two research questions in this article. Initiated research problem must be narrated early in the paper. (Ryan wenger,1992). So in this research article problems can be clearly identified.In this research article qualitative study is used and based on individual interview and a phenomenological hermeneutic approach, (LindsethandNorberge ,2004 ) If The interview was conducted in the participant’s houses where the familiarity of the surroundings and comfortable nature would provide more and honest answer for the questions(Creswell,2007)Methodology should contribute the data about what a researcher do and what strategies are applied in the research study. It will support reader to determine constancy,reliability,validity,and repeatability of the study(Purposive sample is clearly identified in this paper , sample size is 28 .tuckett 2004 said sample size could be 10-100 For qualitative study it could be but minimum 30 should be when looking for signify or trying to achieve maximum variation .There are 21 women and 7 men from six different nursing homes. Therefore sample size is small. Inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria clearly mentioned,inclusion criteria were able to communicate and give informed consent, reside permanently in a nursing home for atleast two months, considered able to complete an interview, be interested in and willing to speak their situation. The participants were selected by the head nurse of the ward. Exclusion criteria were participants who were very ill, demented or confused were excluded on ethical grounds.The included participants varied in age from 62 to 103 years. The participants care needs varied from being totally dependent on care for basic needsData collectionYes the data collection method is sufficient. Indepth interviews was used in the residents rooms. The researcher encouraged the interviewees to narrate as freely as possible with a minimum of interruption to gather as rich answers as possible. Follow up questions were asked.All interviews were tape recorded, transcribed verbatim and transformed in to text.ProcedureProcedure used to collect data and record data were adequately described. It was appropriate for phenomenologicalhermeneutic approach. .All interviews were tape recorded, transcribedverbatim, andtransformed in to text.Data analysis and interpretation Purposive sample is clearly identified in this paper , sample size is 28 .tuckett 2004 said sample size could be 10-100 For qualitative study it could be but minimum 30 should be when looking for signify or trying to achieve maximum variation .There are 21 women and 7 men from six different nursing homes. Therefore sample size is small. Inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria clearly mentioned,inclusion criteria were able to communicate and give informed consent, reside permanently in a nursing home for atleast two months, considered able to complete an interview, be interested in and willing to speak their situation. The participants were selected by the head nurse of the ward. Exclusion criteria were participants who were very ill, demented or confused were excluded on ethical grounds.The included participants varied in age from 62 to 103 years. The participants care needs varied from being totally dependent on care for basic needsData collectionYes the data collection method is sufficient. Indepth interviews was used in the residents rooms. The researcher encouraged the interviewees to narrate as freely as possible with a minimum of interruption to gather as rich answers as possible. Follow up questions were asked.All interviews were tape recorded, transcribed verbatim and transformed in to text.Data analysis and interpretation A phenomenological hermeneutic analysis (Lindseth and Norberg,2004) was performed inductively by the researchers ,including reading the text to gain a sense of the whole. Textual analysis was carried out in a spiral like hermeneutic process of interpretation through three phases: naive reading ,a structural analysis ‘and comprehensive understanding including discussion. Thecomprehensive understanding, produced in depth interpretation of what the text was about, based on the naïve reading, the structural analysis, and the author’s pre understanding.The article evidenced the authors properly consider about ethics of this research .This research article is evaluated and approved by the ethical committee and data protection agency within respective countries. The researcher protects the ethical standards while taking Informed consent was taken by the all participants and they had right to withdraw any time without giving reasons, not participating vulnerable groups for this is great significance that consent is included after full explanation of content of the study(Barbasi &Jackson,2012)Results of the study can be divided in to three concepts ;first one is naïve interpretation. Naïve interpretation revealed that the dignity experiences were associated with the residents experience of self. Moreover, second one is structural analysis. Structural analysis resulted in three inter related themes reflecting the meaning of maintaining dignity; Being involved as a human being, it refers to the residents dignity experience associated with losses or threats to the bodily self. Being involved as the person one is and strives to become, and being involved as an integrated member of the society.Comprehensive understanding and discussionThe researcher discussed how dignity in vulnerability affects to the residents. The understanding of dignity and vulnerability has also a parallel in that of (shotto and seedhouse,1998) who stated that we lack dignity when we find ourselves in inappropriate circumstances,and when we are in situations where we feel foolish,incompetent,inadequate or usually vulnerable.Researcher stated that, this study confirms that a weakened body is a potentialthreat to dignity. However, this study also shows that the maintenance of the dignity was associated with being responsive to vulnerability and with mutual efforts from both the residents and the nurses to get involved in their lives.with regard to bodily vulnerability, available resources adequate to meet essential needs in daily life were significant for experiencing dignity and involvement.Methodological ConsiderationsAll articles have limitations; good article will identify these and suggest how they could be addressed future work. The researcher stated that their study was limited to the experiences .Although we cannot be sure that the people in our study did not suffer from early stages of dementia, we do not know whether our results are transferable to residents with more severe dementia. As stressed by (Lindseth and Norberg,2004). Participants were inthree diffent countries. Their cultures, thoughts,customs were different. Therefore it may be affect to the residents’ perspection of dignity.ConclusionStudy provides a comprehensive understanding of maintaining dignity in daily life from the perspective of older people living in nursing homes.Overall, this was a good qualitative research article. The researcher used a qualitative research design to explore the residents perspective on dignity in nursing homes.Use the phenomenological hermeneutic approach and can be taken more knowledge about perspective on dignity in older people. 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