Strong leadership and ability to work in teams is essential in all

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Strong leadership and ability to work in teams is essential in all types of work environments, and especially in environments that involve stressful occasions and critical thinking and acting. The role of a registered nurse working in healthcare teams exactly fits all the above categories. Even though leadership and teamwork are considered as two different sections when going deeper in this subject of practice, it is seen that both of those categories go hand-in-hand. Thus, it is important to discuss the key aspects of teamwork and leadership in the role of the registered nurse working in healthcare teams to provide quality patient care.As evidenced by a study conducted by Polis, Higgs, Manning, Netto, and Fernandez (2017), communication is the most vital component for collaborating in teams and for safe delivery of care, which is the ultimate goal of healthcare providers. The healthcare professionals in a multidisciplinary team, approach the patients to provide a holistic care. This team consists of primary care doctors, nurses of all levels, specialists, radiologists and laboratory staff. Closed loop communication guarantee that all group affiliates are dynamically exchanging information. When the nurses communicate frequently with the patients’ respective physicians and therapists offering a more personalized level of care and keeping the nurse updated of the ongoing treatment plans to monitor the patient progress in health. When teams have opportunities to communicate often, nurses can ask critical questions and make insightful suggestions about the best way to manage patient care. Encouraging openness and positive communication among staff builds strong, reliable relationships within nursing teams. It was also seen in this research that they found out that lack of effective communication not only disrupted teamwork but also lead to serious adverse events. Consistent and accurate transfer of critical information within teams of health care professionals is paramount and relies on individual knowledge and communication. Teamwork is essential in occasions such as change of shift hand over, intentional ward rounds or temporary shift clusters. Teamwork is closely associated with higher job satisfaction. One major issue that especially the nurses face is compassion fatigue due to long hours of work as well as stressful situations (Baik & Zierler, 2018). Working in teams and sharing responsibilities and workload have paved way to avoid burnout of professionals. It facilitates the nurses to have access to coordinated teams with organized lines of communication thus leading to a happier and stronger workforce. Establishing strong teams in the workplace has been found to result in a more pleased staff, which affects optimistically on both co-workers and patients. Leadership is not a congenital factor but they surface and endlessly progress based on a variety of practice, skill, knowledge and interactions with a variety of people with time. Nursing has been slow to develop strategies to recognize future nurse leaders and that with the current nursing shortage, this is more important than ever (Scully, 2015). Clinical nurse leaders are crucial to the success of patient care initiatives: good leaders help produce good care, and poor leaders produce poor care. nurse leaders are essential to the profession for maintenance of adaptability and to remain competitive in today’s dynamic environment; considering the various economic, technological and academic challenges facing nurses. Nurse leaders are necessary to establish direction, align people, motivate and inspire colleagues towards a common goal. Nurse leaders possess knowledge of broader contemporary issues in nursing and an understanding of factors, which may promote or inhibit the future of nursing as a whole, and play a key role in facilitating and enabling the development of nursing knowledge. Indeed leadership is seen as an essential component for the continuous development of advanced practice roles and the nursing profession. Advanced practice nurses in all fields — including clinical, academic, executive and political — provide a vision for the next generation of nurses, leading them to achieve extraordinary things through inspiration and motivation towards a common goal. leadership is facilitated by a combination of individual contributions by team members and by insuring individuals on the team understand the relationship between team nursing and the benefits of working together. Clinical leaders play a crucial role in enhancing work quality for staff reduces the potential for conflict, and effectively manages the barriers created by generational gaps between staff (polis). Leadership includes supporting clinical colleagues and purposefully enlisting willing and enthusiastic colleagues; inspiring followers to transform themselves and their situations through development of talents and formation of reciprocal relationships leadership is not necessarily tied to a position of authority (Jeong & Keatinge, 2004). More recent theories of leadership — combining aspects of both personal trait and situational theories — recognize that effective leadership depends on the personality of the leader, the situation at hand and the qualities of the followers. Although team leaders perception maybe higher than registered nurses effective leadership connects team members sharing common goal. Studies have reported that a generational difference or a variation in nurse designation may create conflict within teams; however, these findings may reflect an absence of effective team leadership and poor communication (Nunes & Muniz, 2016). In addition, a clear difference was observed in the leadership scores between nurse leaders such as a Nurse Unit Manager in comparison to registered nurses, enrolled nurses or assistance in nursing consistent with the literature. These findings are not surprising considering that effective leadership requires knowledge and experience to provide guidance for solving complex problems related to nursing care delivery and appropriate delegation of work. The ICN recognise that nurse leadership development is an international mandate. Supporting all levels of nurses to develop as leaders empowers staff, improves job satisfaction increases the level of organisation commitment and decreased intention to leave (Polis et al., 2017). Leadership is not a haphazard occurrence, rather involves vision, communicating that vision to others, planning to make it a reality and serving as a symbol and source of energy for the team.References• Baik, D., and Zierler, B. (2018). Clinical nurses’ experiences and perceptions after the implementation of an interprofessional team intervention: A qualitative study. Journal Of Clinical Nursing, 28(3-4), 430-443. doi: 10.1111/jocn.14605 • Jeong, S., and Keatinge, D. (2004). Innovative leadership and management in a nursing home. Journal Of Nursing Management, 12(6), 445-451. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2834.2004.00451.x • Nunes, E., and Muniz, E. (2016). Nursing in the mirror: unveiling transpersonal leadership in team care. Revista Gaúcha De Enfermagem, 37(4). doi: 10.1590/1983-1447.2016.04.63815 • Polis, S., Higgs, M., Manning, V., Netto, G., and Fernandez, R. (2017). Factors contributing to nursing team work in an acute care tertiary hospital. 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