The impact robots and bots have in shaping the industrialization of work

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The impact robots and bots have in shaping the industrialization of work in the nearest future cannot be overemphasized. The future of business and industrialization will be far more interesting with the advent of robots. Unlike the old scientists, robotics is gradually taking its stance as one of the driving forces of a millennial future. With the evolution of robotic technology, the future of business will be shaped differently from the norm. Whilst it is true robots revamping some human jobs, many systems are becoming more efficient with the help of robots. Robots are integrated into the manufacturing processes of large corporations. As technology advances, we at ProbiTech Inc. use robots to improve their own processes. This will have a significant impact on our human labor force. Although to a large extent robots may seem to be dull, boring and perform routine tasks every day, jobs are fast becoming more efficient and accurate with the assistance of robots. Robots increase output and productivity, and experience has shown over time that they also keep our labor costs down and improve reliability in manufacturing by removing human error. There is a general misconception that robots are automatic and need no assistance and they will be effective enough to do complex and tedious tasks without human intervention. Few others think that gradually, we will be left at the mercy of these robots, due to our increased dependability on them to perform our daily tasks. These assumptions occur majorly due to the lack of awareness. A robot is any machine that resembles a human creature capable of carrying out a complex task automatically and is programmable by a computer. It can be a makeshift arm (used in surgery), a drone, or even the remotely guided vehicles used to move materials around in a factory. Everything falls under the category termed ‘robotics’. Also, a robot doesn’t necessarily have to be in a human form. Robots are doing better than harm in terms of improving our quality of life. A few years down this phase of technology just like mobile phones, robots are slowly becoming an integral part of our lives.HOW ROBOTS WILL HELP OUR LIVES? For a long period of time now, there have been indications of how advanced technology, computing and robotic evolution will influence our lives. At ProbiTech, we are concerned at how robots change our lives? It’s a great question to ask when they have been helping our lives now in so many ways and they have been doing so for a long period. The statistics show that robots cook our food, play music and even ride our cars.1. Robots are changing the waste management space.As the universe produces more and more trash, its due time to evaluate the management of waste and recycling business using recoverable waste stream. Given the unpredictable nature of the waste management industry, robots have revolved and now are powered by high speed conveyor belts carrying garbage, and most modern recycling centers now use advanced sensors which sort out plastics away from aluminum and paper waste. This technology modernizes waste sorting but is currently not smart enough to finish the job hence the advent of waste sorting robots which have spider-like arms guided by artificial intelligence (AI) and complicated cameras are competent enough to make recycling of waste more efficiently and profitably.2. Robots keep an eye on suspects through surveillance camerasThe latest advances in artificial intelligence suggest by developing surveillance robots, there will be a massive impact on the quality of life and security of people. Normal acute cameras capture people leaving a bus station, an individual examines the camera feed, and this helps them to act quickly, to be able to coordinate a standing officer to arrest the culprit before he goes out of vision. The jobs of security men were threatened at a point but gradually, we realized that the surveillance robots performed better when coordinated by humans. Security cameras see crime and using facial recognition technology that shares real time information with nearby robotic cameras which are all programmed to surveil and pursue suspects to keep them in sight. 3. Medical robots help with patient careBefore now, robots in medicine were thought to be part of some sci-fi movies but recently they are been deployed in healthcare industries. Surgical robots, telepresence and all other automated machines have helped individualize patient care to microbots that assists in surgeries that relates to the arteries, slowly they are changing the place of the medical/healthcare industry. They play a major role in performing complex tasks that demand a lot of detail as a wrong step can cause severe damage leading to loss of life or disability.Also, robotics has helped paralyzed people to walk, assisted the rehabilitation of stroke or spinal cord injury patients. They have helped to enhance the strength in order to allow a nurse lift an elderly patient. Through the use of specialized devices, there has been a significant reduction of hospital acquired infections by using a high intensity ultraviolet light to disinfect a healthcare facility.4. Industrial robots and smart manufacturingWith the emerging phase of industrial revolution, the manufacturing industry is meeting up with the increasing level and rate of advanced technologies. In this regard, robotics play a pivotal role in automating and streamlining the activities of numerous manufacturing units. Industrial robots are automated, programmable, and they engage in activities including welding, painting, assembling, product inspection, palletizing, circuit boards, packaging and labelling, all these achieved with high endurance, speed and precision. 5. Robots replacing humans in potentially hazardous environments.Given the obvious fact that human employees are feeble and unstable, as they cannot work effectively in situations that are dangerous. Thus, for a long time, emerging industries have been using robots to navigate through dangerous activities without exposing humans to the harsh conditions of the workspace. These robots can handle stress better in unstable situations. Automated robotics increase quality, productivity and they also assist in operations performed under extreme conditions.LATEST TECHNOLOGIES IN THE ROBOTICS INDUSTRY Robotic AssistanceA major robotics growth arena is Intelligent Assist Devices (IAD) – operators manipulate a robot as though it was an extension of their own limbs with more reach and strength. This is said to be robotics technology – not replacements for humans or robots, but rather new class of ergonomic assistance products that assists humans in a wide variety of ways, including motion guidance, power assist, line tracking and process automation. IAD’s makes use of robotics technology to assist production people to handle parts and payloads – easier, faster and with less stress. Using a human-machine interface, the operator and IAD work in tandem to optimize weight lifting, guiding and adjusting movements. Sensors, computer power and control algorithms interpret the operator’s hand movements into super human lifting power. New robot configurationsWith the continuing shift of the Moore’s law towards technology and innovation, we should expect more development, more cost-friendly robot configurations, more applications beyond the traditional “dumb-waiter” service emphasis. The biggest evolution in industrial robots is that they will evolve into a broader variety of structures and mechanisms. In most cases, algorithms that evolve into new automation systems won’t be immediately recognized as robots. For example, robots that maintain semiconductor manufacturing already look quite different from those used in automotive plants. We will see that there are more of these programmable tooling kinds of robots than all the traditional robots that exist in the world today. There is a great sea change coming; the potential is significant because soon robots will offer not only improved cost-effectiveness, but also advantages and operations that have never been possible before.  Robots already in use everywhere Sales of robots have risen to record levels and they have huge, untapped potential for domestic chores like mowing the lawn and vacuuming the carpet. In 2018, 3,000 underwater robots, 2,300 demolition robots and 1,600 surgical robots were in operation. A massive increase is predicted for domestic robots for vacuum cleaning and lawn mowing, increasing from 12,500 in 2000 to almost 500,000 by the end of 2004. In the wake of recent postal scares, robots are increasingly used in postal sorting applications. There is a huge potential to automate the US postal service. About 1,000 robots were installed in 2018, to sort parcels and the US postal service has estimated that it has the potential to use up to 80,000 robots for sorting. Looking around at the “robots” around us today: automated gas pumps, bank ATMs, self-service checkout lanes – machines that are already replacing many service jobs. Take it forward another ten (10) years, It doesn’t require a great leap of faith to envision how advances in image processing, microprocessor speed and human-simulation could lead to the automation of most boring, low-intelligence, low-paying jobs. BIGGEST ROBOT’S LAB IN THE WORLD1. BoschFor bringing hands-free moving one step closer to reality. Bosch delivers the smartest, most-effective robomower to date last year. With the increased unavailability of automated marrowers in the United States, it’s a $170 million (and growing) business in western Europe, and Bosch’s model is the most developed. It takes the shape of the lawn, cuts in preplanned parallel lines, and picks up where it left off after recharging. The German firm also released autonomous cars onto the Autobahn to make Google’s robocar tests in Nevada look like quaint Sunday drives.2. QBotixFor streamlining solar power with robots and monorails. Instead of fully motorizing individual solar panels to constantly face the sun, the SolBot system from QBotix mounts them on a miniature monorail track, where a robot can slide along, repositioning them throughout the day. This uses fewer motors and soaks up more sun, costing as much as a single-axis tracking system while delivering as much energy as a dual-axis one. After setting up five active installations in 2013, the California startup unveiled the larger-scale SolBot R-225, each one capable of optimizing 340 kilowatts worth of panels.3. AccurayUsing ibots to reduce more forms of cancer, in patients. Accuray’s CyberKnife System was first opened in 2001, using robotic accuracy to hit unhealthy tissue with narrow beams of radiation, rather than bathing whole swaths of the subject’s body. More than 100,000 patients later, the new CyberKnife M6 Series, deployed last year, is an even better shot: It utilizes shaped beams that conform to the specific contours of a tumor. That resulted into less collateral radiation for surrounding tissue–and treatments for the previously untreatable.4. Northrop GrummanFor making drones that land–and avoid landing–on aircraft carriers. Northrop Grumman’s X-47B robot aircraft made history last year been the first unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) launched by catapult from a carrier. Subsequent aborted landings were criticized, missing the point: With a lot of detected technical issues, the largely autonomous prototype for a future pilotless fighter decided to land elsewhere. Avoiding a fiery carrier crash might possibly be the best example yet of machine intelligence.5. GoogleBuilding and investing in robots that will gradually change the world. Google’s driver-less autonomous cars have logged 500,000 miles to date–without accident. In 2018, it acquired Boston Dynamics, maker of the running, and jumping robots, as well as Schaft, a startup based in Tokyo that makes use of liquid- filled electronic motors to power five-foot-tall humanoid automatons. Not also forgetting the recent acquisition of smart appliance maker Nest, Google has proven it is more poised than any other company to advance the art of intelligent machines.