The study found that health care professionals in Faisalabad faced an alarming

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The study found that health care professionals in Faisalabad faced an alarming rate of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSD), an increase of 86.1% compared to peers in the global healthcare industry. This proves that the nature of the profession will increase the physical load, which may reduce the productivity and carrier of health professionals. 42.42% of the lower extremity problems were considered to be the most affected other body parts and the first hypothesis was approved. The current results will invalidate the second hypothesis that female health care professionals are more affected by WMSD than men, as both sexes are also affected by WMSD, with the exception of the neck, where women are higher than men. The results showed that age, experience level, and body mass index (BMI) had no significant effect on the extent of WMSD, and ultimately refuted the 3rd and 4th hypotheses because there was no diversity in this age and sample size and BMI category. In addition, the risk factors associated with healthcare professionals are significantly related to WMSD. One of the reasons is that the shoulder and hand/wrist areas are significantly lacking in auxiliary and mechanical devices in all body parts, reflecting the fifth hypothesis. In addition, it is important to note that health care professionals in Faisalabad lack physical health and nearly half of the applicants are overweight 54% obese, which may be related to the lack of time to take care of themselves, increased working hours and other responsibilities at home. This is an issue that needs to be addressed urgently to reach a solution that will help reduce the number of injured. These types of problems may be caused by a lack of ergonomic knowledge that must be taught from the first day of the profession to the beginning of the school year. Current research has demonstrated a significant association with WMSD and low back problems. Education is the key to prevention; therefore, before participating in the field of work, students need to be committed in increasing their understanding of patient handling skills during their studies.Further research is recommended as sampling techniques change. Taking into account the larger sample size will allow us to obtain more thorough demographic physical results. It has also been found that the mental health problems of health care professionals are a new study that can highlight the “burning” cases of health care professionals. You can also consider the nature of the relationship between colleagues and superiors; this will be a useful topic, including other facts.INTRODUCTIONMusculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) in the workplace have a huge impact and is a growing problem in our modern society; (Yelin and Felts 1990) they are the second leading cause of short-term or temporary work disability after a common cold. (Yasobant) Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) are the cause of sickness in many working populations and are considered as an important occupational problem with increased pay and health costs, decreased productivity, and declining quality of life. (Karwowski and Marras, 2003) WMSDs are categorized based on many factors (David 2005).According to reports, WMSD leads to reduced working hours or absence, increased work restraints, shifting to another job (David 2005, Yasobant and Rajkumar 2014) or disability, rather than any other disease (Badley, Rasooly et al, 1994, Leijon, Hensing) Significant economic losses to individuals, organizations and society entirely. (Kemmlert 1994) The results of scientific research have been identified in physics (Winkel and Mathiassen 1994) Psychosocial/Organization, (Bongers, de Winter) et al., 1993, Devereux, Buckle et al., 1999) and individuals (Ringelberg and Voskamp, 1996) Career “risk factors”” for the growth of WMSD. These studies determined the levels of several factors at diverse risk levels and examined their relationship to the MSD incidence (or prevalence) of the relevant population. (2005