VIACTION RESEARCH QUESTIONSThis action research attempts to determine the effectiveness of recent

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VI.ACTION RESEARCH QUESTIONSThis action research attempts to determine the effectiveness of recent audio-visual materials on reading performance of the non-readers of Boniao Elementary School, Mahayag North District, Division of Zamboanga del Sur. Specifically, this sought to answer the following inquiries:1.What are the recent audio-visual materials used to improve reading performance?2.How do audio-visual materials affect the reading performance and word recognition of pupils? 3. To what extent is the effectiveness of audio-visual materials on reading performance? 4. How efficient and accurate are the audio-visual materials in improving the reading performance of the non-readers?VII.ACTION RESEARCH METHODS This research employs descriptive research as method of discovering the answers to the research questions. IV.a. Participants and/ or other Sources of the Data and Information Population of this research includes18 non-readers of Boniao Elementary Schoolwhich are already identified by the proponent. Specifically, 10 boys and 8 girls who are residing at Boniao, Mahayag, Zamboanga del Sur.Interview of teachers, parents or guardians were made to gather more information about the study respondents. Reading Progress Charts and Phil-IRI results from current and previous grade can also be used to determine reading performance. IV. b. Data Gathering MethodsThe researcher securespermission to conduct the survey relative to the reading performance of all Non-Readers of Boniao Elementary School. After the approval, the researcher will personally administer the pre-test to the non-reader pupils involved as the respondents of the research investigation. The researcher shall request and solicit full support and assistance of the principal and parents to facilitate smooth testing. The researcher requestsalso the respondents to answer the items honestly and sincerely to obtain and reliable data.Weighted mean shall be used as statistical treatment of the study to determine theextent to which the effectiveness of audio-visual materials on the reading performance is measured. To determine the responses from teacher on the extent of each reading difficulty of non-readers.Numerical Scale Adjectival Equivalent5 Always4 Often3 Sometimes2 Seldom1 NeverTo interpret the responses of the respondents on the word recognition checklistWeighted Mean Interpretation4.21 – 5.00 Very Satisfactory3.41 – 4.20 Satisfactory2.61 – 3.40 Good1.81 – 2.60 Fair1.00 -1.80 Needs ImprovementVIII. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS AND REFLECTIONThis research directed to ascertainthe effectiveness of using recent audio-visual materialsto the 18 non-readers of Boniao Elementary School, Mahayag North District, Zamboanga del Sur Division during the School Year 2017-2018.In order to determine the main purpose of this research, the proponent looked into the child’s personal information, his/her academic records, and checklist of reading errors. Each child was required to read same set of words for two (2) rounds. The first round was before they were allowed to use the Talking Pen and viewing of Nursery Rhymes. Second was done after these recent audio-visual materials were introduced. The research further aimed to find out the basis of planning, particularly in the formulation of strategies to improve reading performance through the use of audio-visual materials.Based on the analysis of data, the following questions were resolved and findings were made:1.What are the recent audio-visual materials used to improve reading performance?Table 1Audio-Visual Materials Frequency PercentageNursery Rhymes 6 33.33Talking Pen 12 66.66Table 1 discloses the two of the effective audio-visual materials used by the researcher to improve the reading performance of the non-readers of Boniao Elementary School. These are the Talking Pen and Nursery Rhymes viewing. After being subjected to the said materials, 12 out of 18 or 66.66 percent concluded that Talking Pen improved their reading performance.2.How do audio-visual materials affect reading performance and word recognition of pupils?Table 2Participants ROUND 1 ROUND 2 Weighted Mean Interpretation WeightedMean Interpretation1 1.10 Needs Improvement 1.91 Fair2 1.36 Needs Improvement 2.40 Fair3 1.34 Needs Improvement 2.56 Fair4 1.43 Needs Improvement 2.86Good5 1.21 Needs Improvement 1.98 Fair6 1.08 Needs Improvement 2.00 Fair7 1.70Needs Improvement 2.70 Good8 1.08Needs Improvement 1.70Needs Improvement9 1.07Needs Improvement 1.91Fair10 1.11 Needs Improvement 2.40Fair11 1.34 Needs Improvement 2.76Good12 1.81 Fair 3.00 Good13 1.10Needs Improvement 1.92 Fair14 1.85 Fair 3.05Good15 1.34 Needs Improvement 1.91 Fair 16 1.21 Needs Improvement 1.85 Fair17 1.08 Needs Improvement 1.91 Fair18 1.05 Needs Improvement 1.68Needs ImprovementOverall MeanGRAND MEAN 23.26 1.29Needs Improvement 40.52.25 Fair Table 2 depicts the progress of the respondents’ reading performance. The latter were subjected to two (2) rounds of Wordlist reading. The first round was before they were allowed to use the Talking Pen and the viewing of Nursery Rhymes. Second was done after these recent audio-visual materials were introduced. Moreover, 12 out of 18 participants were into absenteeism. Reasons for this were doing household chores, animal shepherding and taking care of younger siblings. Result clearly show that the materials utilized made a significant change and affected the reading performance and word recognition of the respondents as reflected by the grand mean of 2.25.3.To what extent is the effectiveness of audio-visual materials on reading performance?Table 2 in the preceding question divulges the extent of effectiveness of audio visual materials on reading performance as reflected in the Round 2overall mean of 40.5 and grand mean of 2.25 interpreted as “Fair” as compared to the Round 1 overall mean of 23.26 or a grand mean of 1.29 interpreted as “Needs Improvement”.Results show that audio-visual materials utilized by the proponent were found to be effective in improving the reading performance of the 18 non-readers of Boniao Elementary School.4.How efficient and accurate are the audio-visual materials in improving the reading performance of the non-readers?Findings reveal thatafter being subjected to the said study, there was a significant change on the participants. Many words in the Wordlist Level are read and recognized easily in Round 2 compared to the performance in Round 1. Absenteeism is minimized for participants seldom absent from class because of the enjoyment brought about by the recent audio-visual materials.Furthermore, it was disclosed that majority of the participants came from a big family. Farming and carpentry were mostly the occupation of their father. Housekeeping and doing laundry were the common occupation of their mother. None of the participants have a reading table at home. Only 5 out of the 18 have electricity at home.It is highly recommended that schools with non-readers must employ these recent audio-visual materials for the improvement of reading performance. Talking Pen and Nursery Rhymes are just few of the many audio-visual materials that have been found effective in, if not eradicating, minimizing the problem in reading among school children.