How Shakespeare presents his characters

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Considering how Shakespeare presents his characters in Romeo and Juliet, how would you depict the ideas of tragedy through characterization in your own adaptation of the play?

o think and present about how Shakespeare develops and represents Paris in the play, using key scenes, dialogues and dramatic features – include indirect characterization– the use of a character’s own dialogue, language and action to build a picture of the character in the mind of the reader- direct characterization— occurs where a character is described by the narratorial voice or by another character. We must be careful in identifying direct characterisation that we account for perspective

o how would I present tragedy in my own way, through characterization (traits, motives and the psychology of a character)?

o in an adaptation of the play; would I stay faithful to the original text etc. – respond with reference to the way that Shakespeare represents and develops his characters. Use key scenes, dialogue and dramatic features from the whole play Shakespeare – written stage directions aren’t detailed- Paris is the antagonist- uses dialogue as the most utilized way of showing a character’s personality, audience learns about the character through their dialogue – Shakespeare often uses floral symbolism throughout the play, using the associated symbolic terminology of plants and flowers – Romeo is considered a rose – symbolizes beauty and love- while the affable Paris is considered a ‘flower in faith – attractive, however ordinary characterized as the direct opposite of Romeo(direct characterization)o gentle Paris (Lord Capulet 1.2.16)o valiant Paris (Lord Capulet 1.3.70)

o my son Paris (Lord Capulet 3.4.16)a term used to describe someone close, like family although not (yet)o the gallant, young and noble gentleman (Lady Capulet 3.5.113)gallant: brave, chivalrous – saving someone (in this case, Juliet e.g. in the parents’ eyes, he is symbolically saving her and her family from a lower rank in society), a knight o a man of wax (Nurse 1.3.72)meaning perfect, or well-suited (in the Nurse’s eyes), like a perfectly sculpted wax figure- ‘wax’, when warm, melts, this can be symbolic of the superficial love that Paris has for Juliet- Paris represents the patriarchal ideal of love/marriage (indirect characterization)- becomes quite presumptuous in his manner after Capulet has promised Juliet will marry him- ‘dutifully’ visits Lord Capulet to pay his respects after Tybalt’s death- Paris is unbelievably persistent, eager to marry Juliet and even impatient; also treats Juliet as property over someone who he loves: contrasts with Romeoo refers to Capulet as his father: ‘My father Capulet will have it so’ (4.1.) and greets Juliet as ‘my lady and my wife!’ (4.1.)My adaptation- Could add: the oxford dictionary states that; tragedy is a play dealing with tragic events and having an unhappy ending, especially one concerning the downfall of the main character – Paris can be seen as a tragic character, he has an ill-fated ending, killed by his ‘fiancée’s’ preferred suitor, had his lover turn her back on him, hope in a false marriage. As Shakespeare contrasted him so much with Romeo, would I portray the character of Paris as a sympathetic, passionate person?or as the foolish man who was disinterested in love and just beauty and social ranks?