12 From 2014 a new Duty of Candour was set up after the

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1.2. From 2014 a new Duty of Candour was set up after the Francis inquiry into patient care at Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation trust, which uncovered some appalling example of patient care. Because of the failures that arose from that hospital where patients were not always offered an explanation when things went wrong it has become a fundamental legal standard requirement for all NHS providers, such as hospitals, community care, GP surgeries and mental health units to be clear and transparent when informing and apologising to patients if there has been a mistake in their care that has led to significant harm. Additionally, CQC will be able to take enforcement action when it finds breeches. The new duty is found under the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014: Regulation 20.Legislation.gov.uk. (2014). The Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014. [online] Available at: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2014/2936/regulation/20/made [Accessed 5 Mar. 2019].As a trust we have signed up to a campaign called ‘Sign Up to Safety’ which is led by NHS England, in the aim to reduce avoidable harm within the trust. Giles Thorpe who is a registered nurse and Deputy Director of Clinical Governance for the trust said: “Doing all we can to keep patients safe must be our number one priority. We will be measuring our performance in areas such as hospital-acquired pressure ulcers, falls and deteriorating patients. We are determined to maintain our high standards for the quality of care we deliver and learn lessons if we make mistakes.”Basildonandthurrock.nhs.uk. (2014). Basildon and Thurrock Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust – Sign up to safety. [online] Available at: http://www.basildonandthurrock.nhs.uk/sign-up-to-safety [Accessed 5 Mar. 2019].The campaign have made five pledges, Put safety first, Collaborate, Be honest, Continually learn and Support this is meant to provide openness, honesty and supports everyone to improve the safety of patients.As an employee in healthcare I exercise Duty of Candour by being open and honest with my patients on a day to day basis because I am supporting vulnerable people especially if I make a mistake and in accordance with my agreed ways of working in my code of conduct, to be accountable for my action and omissions. I also challenge and report any dangerous practice or abusive behavior that I witness to my manager. The connection between Duty of Candour and Duty of Care is if a trust breeches it obligation to providing the highest quality of patient care then they have a legal requirement under the Health and Social Act 2008 to be clear and transparent when mistakes are made to learn and grow and avoid a failure happening again.