
Table of Contents

Introduction:This essay will be based on the discussion of social inequality that is being faced byindividuals. I will be focusing on the migration of the people to other countries and theirregions. During this essay I will be undergoing the discussions regarding the race, genderand class that would be contributing. This essay will undertake on the studies that variousresearchers have been conducting on the issues and bring into the light the process throughwhich social inequality has taken place.According to Hurst, Gibbon and Nurse (2016), there several forms and definitions whichwould be symbolised on the term “social inequality”. The reason for such large diversity inthe meaning and its definition is in relation to the fact that inequality can be designated ondifferent levels of understanding (Hurst, Gibbon and Nurse, 2016). The problem withinequality is that it is difficult to be defined as either regional or cultural aspects as itconsiders inequality with different perspectives. Sernau (2016) described inequality as partof the unequal treatment or perception of an individual to such treatment due to anyreason which can be in relation to their prejudice against a particular aspect. This could betheir gender, race or class. The researcher pointed out that the most common aspect of thisis that inequality is as a result of the difference in the religious belief, ethnic or racialdifference and gender (Sernau, 2016). The three identified terms are surrounded on theterminologies or backgrounds which have their roots in the philosophical, intellectual andsocio-economic traits. In other words, the interaction of the social groupings which areclassifying the people into culturally, gender-wise or even class wise, leads to thedevelopment of social inequality. The inequality of this sort causes the individuals to seekother places where such discriminatory measures are not being carried out.2Discussion:To understand the reasons behind the migrations, even more, there is a need to identify asto why there are migrations on the larger scale. Faist (2016) identified on migrations thatthey take place because of the people or the particular group of the set of the people thatare associated with a particular class, gender, or even racial background. The reason behindmigrations, according to the researcher, especially in the modern day and time is seeking ofthe better employment opportunities, elevate on the standard of living, find freedom in thepractice of religion and social views, etc. (Faist, 2016). These are few of the most commonlyassociated reasoning of the migrations. Most recentlyadded that escape from the persecution is all the reasoning that people are migrating sinceancient times. Persecutions from the government or those in power have been seenthroughout the historical accounts. Some of the most famously portrayed accounts is blackpeople in America during the 1960’s. In those times, the influx of black people coming intoAmerica in search for a better life and seeking “the American dream” is a profoundly goodexample to be put out for social inequality. During their life in America, they were the onlygroup of people that were considered as the social outclass. They were located in thepoorest areas of America and they were slaved into building their cities while theythemselves were marginalised and persecuted if they demanded equal status. A primeexample is Rosa Parks who demanded equal treatment when she refused to give up herseat. The story from this can assist in understanding how the social inequality of group ofthe people led to their eventual migration and cause severe geopolitical changes for theother group and the region as well. This type of inequality is one of the prime examples thatcan be related to race.Migration is the eventual outcome that many of the individuals or a group of people thatseek to escape from social inequality. Pearce et al. (2016) added that there still manyreasons which can lead to the development of social inequality in society. The researcherPearce showed that one of the greatest and most common inequalities that many people inthe United Kingdom face today is social class. The British society is primarily split up into a3class centred society in which each individual is well aware of their social class and status inwhich they were born in and therefore each person has different expectations for theirlikely roles and responsibilities of that particular status. The citizens of each class are wellacknowledged, this is mainly due to their clothing and their sense of dress. More commonlywe would be able to tell by their behaviourism and mannerisms. To be even more specific,an individual who would be one of the most prestigious and rich class would have arespectable ancestry that may see them being related to that of the royal family. In thesimilar situation, these individuals may be known for their most luxurious and largest ofestates and mansions. (Pearce et al., 2016). In the contemporary society of the UK, there arestill differences in the accent of English that is spoken which could specify the class fromwhere an individual has come from. This could therefore indicate the social class of anindividual. Moreover, the mannerism of their education and the way they are brought up isalso different from that of each other. Durante and Fiske (2017) pointed to these as theindicators of class in which it can be very easy to judge someone based on something asbasic as their accent. This sense of this indication led to the development of the differenceof mentality and stature of individuals. The research pointed out to the idealism of classdifference in such a way that it was considered, those of the upper or higher class werebetter and thus deserve more respect than those from a lower class. Such an idea of thosein which the individual is feeling inferior or superior to others also creates a sense of socialinequality by default. What the researcher entails is that people of the higher status in theclass would be given better treatment and may even get special privileges which anycommon person of someone of the lower class may not receive (Durante and Fiske, 2017).The inequality of the social difference is apparent according to the researcher. Developmentof the inferiority or superiority from the other would automatically create the sense ofinequality for those that are inferior to them. The modern British society has, althoughended the stigma of class. However, Connelly and Gayle (2017) described that many citizensof the UK still feel that class is important and admit that there should be a difference in thesocial status. As the deliverance of special privileges to other classes, there would beinequality in the various aspects of even the basic rights. For instance, as mentioned, theinequality in the quality of education because of the social class status. There are privateand public schools and those who are privileged would receive the best treatment andeducation in the private schools whilst everyone else would attend a public school in which4the best treatment may not be as prevalent. This would also be seen in the deliverance ofhealth and other basic rights (Connelly and Gayle, 2017).According to Burke (2017), there is a large majority of the prison population that tends toconsist of young, male, poorly educated people who are likely to have experienced difficultor deprived childhoods and many of whom come from ethnic minority or mixed ethnicbackgrounds. People from lower social class backgrounds are significantly more likely toappear in victim and conviction statistics than people from wealthier backgrounds and it is amatter of argument as to whether they commit more crime, or if they are more likely to beconvicted if they do commit crimes (Burke, 2017) For example, white collar crimes aremostly ignored and not pressed as quickly when compared to more violent crimes.Salahodjaev and Kanazawa (2018) pointed out that one way to see this sort of inequality isthat of the prison population in the U.K. The majority of the population are people who arefrom middle or lower-class status. However, the statistics are mostly carried from falseassumptions that all the statistical accounts carried out are accurate. However, this isn’tquite right as the self-report of the crime statistics show that hooliganism is not just limitedto the lower class. This is the same for the drug use as well. As a whole, all the classes inBritish society are subject to equal footing in the cases of criminal activities andmisdemeanour (Salahodjaev and Kanazawa, 2018). Even though the statement made by theresearcher has shown the differences of inequality in the British society this is primarilybecause of social and class difference. However, there are still those that accept theseprivileges and occupy the status where they can be treated different from others, evengiving them an argument to get a lenient sentence or even escape jail time. This is despitethe matter that many of the criminal behaviours and unwanted acts of criminal activities aredirectly linked with poverty and deprivation, the occurrence in deprivation is also relatedwith the limitation in the opportunities that they get. This is in comparison with that of thehigher class in which they were given extra privileges from birth and this is what has createdthis inequality.Seeing the overall standards of gender inequality there are some highly debated and equallyfought for sets of inequality in the current status. Blau (2016) described the gender of anindividual as being biologically different from each other. These types of differences are5based on the physical as well as the overall mental setup of the two genders that would beexisting in society. On a whole, gender is described as ‘masculine’ and ‘feminine’, in whicheach of these two descriptions describe both male and female. What this means is thatgender roles are pre-defined and thus the sense of inequality is already pre-existence (Blau,2016). Warwick-Booth (2018) added another argument that there is needed to be pointedout that various grey areas on the pre-defined gender equality and inequality. One of thegrey areas viewed is based on the regional and national aspects. The women in the westernpart of the world have larger individualistic and freedom of movement than for those thatare in the developing nations, such as the middle east. The scholars pointed to the fact thatinequality of gender has varying identifications and ideologies which is contributed regionaland national-wise (Warwick-Booth, 2018). This type of inequality is less common in themodern world with big changes occurring across time.Conclusion:Overall, this essay has contributed to various facts and identifications of the descriptions ofsocial inequality. I have highlighted the different meanings and definitions of socialinequality. This continued onto the identification of migration, as to how social inequalityled to the persecution of the Jewish community in Egypt and they fled the region for bettersocial justice of themselves. This realisation of migration for better social justice led to thenext part regarding the social inequality of the three main factors, race, gender and class.The discussion was concluded with social inequality and how these can be already beapplied as early as birth.