As with many new graduate nurses my current practice lies as a

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As with many new graduate nurses, my current practice lies as a novice. When organizing my day, my plan is concrete and inflexible. Adapting to a change in my plan becomes a challenge. My performance is also structured, step-by-step, and guided by rules. For example, as I was learning how to use the computer system at the hospital, I needed direct instruction and rules to learn how to use the platform. I thought to myself “just tell me what I need to do and I will do it.” Another example is when I perform a task, I go step-by-step and visualize the checklists I used in nursing school. Although I have little experience with some of the tasks, I know how to be a safe nurse. It is important for me to recognize when I do not know something and how I can find the right answer. Because of this awareness, I seek frequent affirmation, feedback, and guidance from my preceptor. Before I started this journey, I had multiple fears and apprehensions. I often ask myself: am I capable; what if I do not fit in? Aside from these worries, I have positive hopes and goals. I want to show myself that I can integrate my theoretical knowledge and apply it to practice. In order to successfully transition into the role of a professional registered nurse, I need to remind myself that I am more prepared than I think I am. I need to focus on my strengths and have more self-compassion and confidence. I know I will make mistakes, everyone does. My preceptor has taught me that the most important thing to do when a mistake is made is to recognize it and then to keep moving forward. She also taught me that I need to be an advocate for myself because the more experiences I am exposed to, the better nurse I will become. Although this experience was a bit of a transition shock, I learned many invaluable concepts during this preceptorship. This experience has left me hopeful and excited to start working as a registered nurse.