Introduction Good morning MrsLaneMy name is Krista Cowan I am a student at

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Introduction Good morning Mrs.Lane.My name is Krista Cowan. I am a student at Goodwin College. As you can recall on Monday I reached out to your office in hopes of an interview. I am so honored you have agreed to take some time of your day to meet with me. The purpose of this interview is to get your opinion as experienced social workers and help me recognize the opportunities for effective interpersonal and intra-professional collaboration to optimize opportunities for the development of respect and trust with health care members. The reason why I selected you as an interviewee was because you have the perfect qualifications and you have been an inspiration in my career as a nurse. From my understanding you have been providing social services for about twenty-five years as a clinical social worker. Clinical social workers are known to be the largest trained group to provide mental health services in the United States.Your experience and knowledge will help me to understand how I can provide the best services for my patients.Q1. What is the educational preparation for your specialty or profession? Answer: As a clinical social workers we are required to have at least a master’s degree in social work for us to be licensed by the state licensing board. This is also a requirement to provide mental health services to the public or even private clinics. With this level of education, I can comfortably take higher responsibilities. To be more effective in my profession, I have taken many additional clinical training and have successfully passed the licensure examinations.Q2. What continuing education requirements are you required to have initially and to maintain your credentials? This might be licensure, certifications, competency verification, continuing education requirements, as well as cost and frequency for ongoing education? Answer: Once you have completed your master’s degree and issued a license, furthering your education becomes a necessity to keep up with current practices in the field. The field is constantly changing. Social work is a dynamic field and therefore there is not a given time education will be over. States varies, some states may require social workers to take additional training up to a fixed number of hours. However, it is a must to take additional training on topics like social work ethics. Seminars and conferences are some of the places I get more training for free. Q3. What practice model do you follow? (In nursing we use the nursing process and approach the patient care from a holistic perspective.) Answer: I follow Task-Centered practice which is also known as social work evidence-based model. This model is a four-step process that is the definition of the problem at hand, establishing objectives, working on your objectives and lastly reviewing the goals/ objectives.Q4. What professional organizations are you a member of and do you participate in them as part of your profession? Answer: As social worker you do not need to be a member of an organization. For me, I have joined organizations such as The National Association of Social Workers, Clinical Social Work Association, International Federation of Social Workers and The Society for Social Worker and Research. Q5. How would you describe the characteristics of a caring encounter? Answer: Caring encounters are greatly influenced by the diversity of the clients responses, the health professional level of workload as well as the health professional and the client’s personal preferences. The relationship between a client and an encounter will be determined by the client’s prior experiences with the encounter. If the client’s previous experience was a caring and respectful one then the client would be more inclined to be open and honest. It is our responsibility as health providers get to know our clients in order to provide efficient care and patient centered care. Every client is unique and are from different walks of life. We have to approach each client with a client centered approach to ensure they are receiving exactly what they need for their particular need. Emotional support is also a key component. Q6. What attitudes, knowledge, and behaviors are needed to develop professional partnerships, collaboration, and teamwork? Answer: The nursing profession is a multifaceted career. Respect and trust are two of the most important characteristics required for an effective health provider to promote teamwork and collaboration. Never be afraid to delegate and also never be afraid to get your hands a little dirty.Q7. What is your role in collaborating and creating teamwork with nurses and other healthcare team members? Answer: I am usually the organizer. This role puts me in a unique position where I can oversee and organize responsibilities based on my team members specialization. I am able to motivate,encourage and even assist as needed.Q8. What is your familiarity with Quality and Safety Education for Nurses Competencies (QSEN)? Why are competency measures important in your professional practice? Answer: QSEN is one of the most important nursing concepts every nursing student is required to familiarize with. QSEN is a movement that has been established to help nurses to redesign nursing service depending on what services they are needed in the health sector and how to provide them effectively. QSEN is very important in that it equips nurses with skills and knowledge which is required to improve both qualities as well as the safety of the healthcare systemsQ9. How do you determine the desired outcomes for your caring encounters? Answer: The desired outcomes for caring encounters are determined by the set objectives and the level of the encounter’s cooperativeness. Q10. What is your perception of the nurse’s role in promoting collaboration, teamwork, and determining patient care outcomes? Answer: I think that nurse’s compassion and sense of responsibility are the most important roles in encouraging collaboration for all team players to achieve the desired health outcomes. Q11. What has changed most significantly in providing care in your professional role? Answer: definitely technology. I believe I have been in the nursing profession for long and there have been massive technological changes which have made the nursing profession better and most efficient.