People say that the best years of someone’s life are the schooling

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People say that the best years of someone’s life are the schooling years which is the period that a person is studying in school. And it is the most important one. It is the one that shapes the person and decides his fate. It is filled with new experiences especially in the adolescence stage where a child reaches puberty and then adulthood. Boys are becoming men, whereas girls are becoming women. A lot of physical and psychological changes are happening in this transition which can either make a person’s life cheerful, or nightmarish. Many kids enter high school expecting positive experiences. Then they find out the challenges that come with being an adult. Students experience a big amount of stress due to this transition. In high school, students will have their first insight on how their future life will be. The fun side of life is no longer as it was since they will have more responsibilities. They no longer can depend on their parents as they used to be. Hence, they should be careful and prepared.The data that we are going to study is attained from a survey that was made in two different classes in two different high schools. It comprises of different social, educational, and financial, etc., factors that affect a student’s life. One of the social-physiological factors is the impact of other students which can have two aspects. The first aspect is the positive aspect which is the extra-curricular activities where students that are like-minded get together in groups that will contribute to their education. The other aspect is the negative aspect where the student is not able to join a group for some reason. He will do whatever he/she can to get attention from other students. Some students get dragged into drinking and using drugs, which brings us another factor which is alcohol consumption. The previous factor also gets us another factor which is the health status that is also affected by the life quality of the student.Quality of life has a significant influence on the student. Take for example where he lives. A student who lives in an urban area in the suburbs will probably have parents that have jobs with intermediate or high income. This means that his parents are well educated and can support him in his studies. It also means that he can have extra paid classes since he can afford it. Which may also mean that he attended nursery school. Think about an opposite situation, where the student lives in a rural area. Which means that his parents are poor, which also means that they are not well educated so they will not be able to help him that much. Moreover, he will not be able to afford extra paid classes. The previous situations brings about another contributing factor which is the time it takes the student to get to school from his home. A student who takes a long time to reach his home after school will not have enough time or energy to study at home which brings us another factor which is study time. Even if the student pushed himself beyond his limits he will sacrifice his free time which probably means he will not have any social life. Which brings us another factor which is going out with friends. Psychological stability is important for students to perform well in their education. It is positively related to social life. Having no social life is not psychologically healthy. Imagine a student whose parents are divorced and living apart or his guardian is not one of his parents. This will have a big impact on the mental state of the student.High school is the time where students start to have relationships. Which brings us to the fact that his relationship with his family is an important factor. Another type of relationships that the students will get into is the romantic relationships. Having the effects of puberty they will be challenged psychologically when getting rejected by the other person. Which if not dealt with right, can lead to horrible consequences. Having these feelings as being rejected can affect the student’s mental state. This also will lead to them being bullied, humiliated, and mocked which will only worsen the situation. The balance between study time and free time is important so that the student can have enough time to focus on his social life.