There is an important circle of people around the individuals in need

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There is an important circle of people around the individuals in need of end of life care, it might include: family, friends, neighbours, work colleagues and professionals: carers, GP, nurses, pharmacist, occupational therapist, social worker, etc. All of those people’s attitude inevitably impacts individual’s choices around death and dying in negative or positive way. Family, friends should provide emotional and physical support in order to promote a positive atmosphere. Professionals play a significant role: all of them have different roles, which are supposed to make the care round and complete, they also raise awareness among the general public and explain why it is important. I want to use as an example a social carer in domiciliary service. Unfortunately, with a latest budget cuts it became extremely difficult to provide a person-centred care approach. The time for calls was reduced massively. In order to complete the tasks according to the support plan the carers simply have no time to pay attention to the important details: a mood of a customer, his feelings and emotions. The possibility to individualise/customise the service is very limited. The call looks more like a robotisation process: may lack human touch, compassion and empathy. It, of course, influences the customer’s views on death and dying, the individual feels ignored, overlooked, because his emotional needs are neglected. This leads to the depression, suicidal behaviour, limits the choices of the individual, they might not feel right to share their wishes and preferences.Saying about the other’s people view, we should consider that many of the individuals (especially young) use the social media, being the members of the FB, and other platforms, groups. As an example, the cancer survivors are powerful influencers, promoting a positive thinking, supporting the charities and promoting awareness campaigns. These can fulfil the individual’s expectation, bring the feeling of belonging to the group of people, with the same problem, which helps to solve the loneliness issue.